Kiss Cold Calling and Phone Prospecting Goodbye And Use Social Media To Close More Sales

Kiss Cold Calling and Phone Prospecting Goodbye And Use Social Media To Close More Sales By: Sandi Krakowski Have you noticed a shift in how people communicate? No one wants to talk on the phone anymore! Even when it's a friend or family member calling, talking on the phone all day is no longer desirable! Most people do not want to answer the phone when someone they know calls. They'd rather talk to them online through social media, email or texting. So how can someone who is trying to build a business use the phone to do so? Or would a better question be, do you have to use the phone like we used to in years past to grow your company? We can't do cold calling and phone prospecting like we used to [...]

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How Are You Spending Your Time?

  How Are You Spending Your Time? By: Sandi Krakowski     The singing iPhone woke me up at 4:00 am today. I love to have music programmed as my alarm clock.     Most days I awake between 4:30 - 5:00 am. Today the day was going to be full, with very few moments for pause. So the choice was made to grab a few 'extra' moments to think early in the day. I've heard it said a long time ago that the way you spend the first 2 hours of your day will influence the rest of your day. Well, by 7:30 am I already felt far more stressed than I was comfortable with. So, as I do on a daily, hourly basis - I made a choice for joy and not stress. [...]

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Business Is Just A Big Game….. Or Is It?

Business Is Just A Big Game….. Or Is It?  By: Sandi Krakowski We’ve all heard the saying, “Business is just a game, break the rules and you’ll win!”  Or maybe this one resonates more with you, “Business is just a numbers game, get enough numbers into your game and you’ll get more in your bank account.”  When we built our first business life was my teacher, the integrity that we lived daily was how our customer service department was built. We didn’t cut corners, operate without ethics or serve ourselves to build a $ 4.5 million dollar company. Our customers always were and always will be our focus. Are you building a customer focused business or are you simply working to make money? A customer centric company creates a mission statement with core values [...]

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How To Write A Blog Post With A Title That Gets Read And Converts

How To Write A Blog Post With A Title That Gets Read And Converts   Which came first, the traffic to your blog or the connection with your audience? It's not a tricky question and before you spend a long time trying to defend your answer, watch on today's A Real Change TV episode as I share HOW to write a blog post title that not only GRABS people's attention, but it also compels them to read your content. Content marketing is only as good as it's consumption! If no one is consuming your content and your website has a ton of traffic that is just 'swiping through', which means there one second, gone the next, you WILL NOT sell your stuff! Let me show you how to write great content, create connection, compel long term engagement and build [...]

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