“The Influence Of Your Website On Your Profits”

"The Influence Of Your Website On Your Profits" By: Sandi Krakowski   The page opened and I was instantly confused. Advertisements for vitamins ran along the right hand side of the website. At the top was a picture of someone who looked almost tense, smiling but not natural. The message on the header said, "Empowering This Generation For A Healthy Life" and the first opening article was on creating a Wordpress website. The business owner was using Wordpress for their website presence, which I can typically tell in the first 2 seconds I am on a page. Score to the positive. The topics that ran along the left had side varied from meal planning to lead generation to free traffic to EFT stress relief. Further down the right hand side I saw a banner for [...]

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Getting Your Customers To Enjoy Spending Their Money With You

    Getting Your Customers To Enjoy Spending Their Money With You By: Sandi Krakowski   A question came up in the middle of the first day at our live event that I was just waiting for. The subject of money. Your customer's money. This business owner was struggling to maintain her value in the marketplace and wanted advice on how to do deal with client's who don't want to pay for anything or always want a deal. Low-balling is what many business owners call it. This is not the first time I've been asked this question. Having sold multiple millions of dollars in products through the last 14 years, collecting money from my clients has quite honestly never, ever been a problem for me. Believing they don't have any money and I should just give my [...]

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Tacebook and Fwitter Can Sometimes Be Confusing

Tacebook and Fwitter Can Sometimes Be Confusing By Sandi Krakowski   How embarrassing! I was on a conference call, passionate as always, content flying through my head and doing my best to get it out of my mouth and to my audience. Social media was the topic. It's one of my most favorite topics lately! So as I began to talk about how some people get confused when they enter the world of social media, this came out of my mouth, "Tacebook and Fwitter can be pretty confusing sometimes, I know!"  Oh my word. What a silly girl. I simply apologized and said I am occasionally blonder than I pay to be.... and went on explaining that when you first take a look at social media, it can indeed be confusing. Social media is [...]

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What’s In It For Me? A Fresh Look At The USP Of Your Business

What's In It For Me? A Fresh Look At The USP Of Your Business  By Sandi Krakowski   Beginning business builders have a soft spot in my heart. I remember how it was to work my way through the guesswork, the systems and the tasks of every single day in my new business. Managing a family, homeschooling my children and just the everyday activities that go with these two things put me in a position where decisions had to be made quickly or I would fail.  To many this might sound like a risk but it actually proved to be very valuable in my career of building businesses. Being forced to make quick decisions, act on what I could and aim later was a normal way of doing business. It wasn't until Michael Masterson [...]

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