The Porcelain Professional And The New Way To Do Business

The Porcelain Professional And The New Way To Do Business By: Sandi Krakowski   Have you noticed that the face of professionals and business owners is changing? No longer do Alpha-Dogs who dictate the path to success last. People don't want to be yelled at or told, "No opinions, no suggestions, just do what I say." People need connection. Gone are the days when you 'brag' about the connections you have and isolate yourself in a community where only those in your Rolodex have access. Social Media has made the playing group of major companies on the Inc 500 list of successful companies equal with a no-name just starting out. In today's economy, if you don't connect with your audience and have relationship with them you will be flat lined before you know what [...]

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Who Is Your Ideal Client?

  Who Is Your Ideal Client By: Sandi Krakowski You feel the rush of the cool fall air blow thru the trees as you sit on the deck of your dream house, sipping freshly ground coffee with organic rich cream. Taking in thesights, sounds & smell of your dream, which has now become your reality, you wrestle between four topics for this week's newsletter. Each is a great topic and each will meet a need for your target audience. But remembering all the comments on Facebook the week before steers you toward this week's focus. You begin writing...effortlessly. Beating with the heart of your ideal client has made writing, marketing, growing and expanding your company a breeze. They move and live with you. Serving these customers is like second nature to you. Or maybe not. [...]

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Are You Talking The Language Your Ideal Client Is Already Hearing In Their Head?

Are You Talking The Language Your Ideal Client Is Already Hearing In Their Head? How to attract more clients, get more leads and close more sales! By: Sandi Krakowski Do you know the language your ideal client is already speaking in their head? There is a unique and very specific language, a common set of words, that your ideal client in your niche hears in their head everyday. To write highly converting copy, close more sales on a tele-class and do more business you must KNOW what this language is and speak it! Let's take weight loss for example. I've made millions of dollars in weightloss. It's a niche I know well not only as a retailer but because I used to be a professionally competing body builder. This is just a sampling of [...]

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Building A Business Is Not A Fantasy

Building A Business Is Not A Fantasy By: Sandi Krakowski The email came in through Facebook. Not unlike others I've seen before, it didn't surprise me, but it did trigger something big in me. The question was, "Sandi, can you just give me a few tips on how to really make money in my business? I am on the verge of bankruptcy and really need to do something fast." Typically my assistant, Amity, will answer such inquiries and encourage people to go through as much of our free training as they possibly can and she'll tell them that Sandi reads all of the emails that come in. I did read the email. And because I take it so seriously the requests that come in to our company I'm answering this email for more than [...]

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