The BIG KEY To Getting More Traffic To Your Blog, More Fans On Facebook And More Money In The Bank!

[vc_video link="" align="center"] ARealChange.TV Episode # 27 The BIG KEY To Getting More Traffic To Your Blog, More Fans On Facebook And More Money In The Bank! Today I'm using a few "props" to teach a point. Everyday my amazing team here at A Real Change International answers questions and offers help to business owners who want to grow their online presence. Two of the most popular questions we receive each and everyday, epsecially from beginners are- "HOW do I get more traffic to my blog?!" and that question is usually followed by... "How can I get more fans on my Facebook page?" Let me share with you how you can not only increase traffic to your website and blog, but you'll create MAGNETIC traffic with people who not only want to read what [...]

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Don’t Ask A Fat Person How To Lose Weight & Other Wisdom For The New Business Owner

  Don't Ask A Fat Person How To Lose Weight  & Other Wisdom For The New Business Owner   By: Sandi Krakowski   I'm excited to talk to you today! Let me just cut to the chase and jump right in, ok? Today I have a question for you. Some of you will be grateful I asked. Some... well, not so much. But let me reassure you that the words that I write are always given from a heart of love and encouragement. YOUR dreams mean the world to me. I don't want to see you struggle any longer. Today's article is going to trigger some of you... so please be ready for it. But if you take the time to journal and write out what exactly upset you or made you uncomfortable, you [...]

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A Real Change Episode #25- Building A Profit On Demand Online Business

A Real Change Episode #25 Building A Profit On Demand Online Business    Are you dreaming of building a business that creates profits over and over again, every single day? Today I'm going to share with you how we were able to create more than 7 INCOME STREAMS with our current business, and many of these pipelines of profit are built with RECURRING income! I'm laying out for you as well how to bring things together for the BIGGEST profit on demand system possible. Hear some of the stories of the millionaires I've had the honor to work with and help create ridicuous profits and the tools and systems they are using to get there! Grab a pen and paper and let's get started! Profit On Demand! There's never been a better time to [...]

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When do I hire staff and how do I train a freelancer? Your questions!

When do I hire staff and how do I train a freelancer? Your questions!   By: Sandi Krakowski  This question came in on my Facebook page last week. I thought it would help all of you for me to answer! "Sandi, I have a question that really bothers me and I hope you can give me (and others) a good answer. The business is growing nicely thank God and I hired help - with logistics, answering emails, etc. The only thing is, there are times when there's hardly anything to do, and there are times when there is so much work I can use 2 helpers.How do I help my business grow, keep my worker working in quiet times, and manage all the traffic in hectic times? I considered hiring freelancers every once in a while but I don't want to [...]

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