When do I hire staff and how do I train a freelancer? Your questions!

When do I hire staff and how do I train a freelancer? Your questions!   By: Sandi Krakowski  This question came in on my Facebook page last week. I thought it would help all of you for me to answer! "Sandi, I have a question that really bothers me and I hope you can give me (and others) a good answer. The business is growing nicely thank God and I hired help - with logistics, answering emails, etc. The only thing is, there are times when there's hardly anything to do, and there are times when there is so much work I can use 2 helpers.How do I help my business grow, keep my worker working in quiet times, and manage all the traffic in hectic times? I considered hiring freelancers every once in a while but I don't want to [...]

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ARealChange.TV Episode #24- Marketing Your Winning Business Plan

  Episode #24- Marketing Your Winning Business Plan  Last week we walked through creating a winning business plan. Today I'm sharing multiple strategies and secrets that you can use to instantly gain deeper reach and get great results for your business. One tip I'm sharing reveals how our clients have made millions of dollars in the last year! Pay very close attention. Are you confused by where to start, what to do first and what would be revelant specifically for your business online? This will give you the answer. Grab a pen and paper and let's get started NOW!

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A Good Example Of A Bad Example! Stop Spamming People On Your Personal Facebook Profile

A Good Example Of A Bad Example! Stop Spamming People On Your Personal Facebook Profile  By: Sandi Krakowski The above screen shot is from Mashable.com where they are showing "20 Annoying Things To NOT Do On Facebook". I almost spit out my tea when I saw this on my iPad today! It's an incredibly good example of a BAD example and a wrong way to use social media marketing for your business. Face it.... we've said it over and over again. If you are STILL using your personal profile on Facebook to market you part time business, you are declaring to the ENTIRE WORLD that you are NOT a professional. Stop that. Businesses that use their Facebook Page for marketing and connection with their audience see huge returns on their investment. Here at A [...]

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What Kind of Services Do Virtual Assistants Offer?

      Happy Thursday!! It's been a great week here at A Real Change International & I'm excited to share with you today's guest writer. Many of you are very familiar with Tiffany Johnson as she has been the Head Manager of our Forever WP Division for almost three years now! She's also been a key assistant in our company anytime staff are on vacation or someone needs a little back up along the way. You might recognize Tiffany as she has a regular column in our Emerald Membership Newsletter. We are so grateful to have Tiffany as a part of our growing team!  Today she will shed some light on the role of a virtual assistant and how one might be of great benefit to your business. Pay close attention to this [...]

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