Cooking Up Big Dough In Business

    Cooking Up Big Dough In Business   My first business wasn't planned in a boardroom, I wasn't mentored by a millionaire the first time around and I didn't have any business partners in which to confide in as things grew.  It was just me, a dream and many times guesswork.   Back in 1997 I didn't even know a thing called the "Dot Com" bust was taking place. We had three little guys I was homeschooling (well only one at that time, the other two were in diapers still)... and my husband's income wasn't matching my desire for a $ 900 kitchen mixer.   I learned how to bake bread from scratch from some ladies I had met online and while it was rewarding seeing my families eyes open wide when that [...]

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The Happy Family Of Google, Facebook And WordPress

  Google Just Deleted Your Site...Now What? By: Sandi Krakowski Recent changes to Google and how searches are done could bring a horrific result for some business owners online. If the desired Google standards are not adhered to one could find themselves no longer appearing in the search engines.  For the last 15 years I've worked online, with a 5 year sabbatical (serious health crisis!) mid-stream. But even during that time I was a ferocious student of what was going on in the Internet world.  Google, the world's largest search engine has always played a key role in the success or failure of the online business owner. Only outpaced by Facebook(studies show that Facebook outpaced the search engine giant in May of 2010) it holds the key to traffic for anyone desiring to earn an income through [...]

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Hello WordPress 3.0! We’re so glad you’re here!

Can you say YAHOOOOO with me!!  Welcome Wordpress 3.0! We'll be teaching from this version of Wordpress in all of our Summer Classes and more importantly in our Forever WP Community! Implement custom backgrounds Create headers and simple install Shortlinks Menus Post types and more! Here's the creator of Wordpress, Matt Mullenweg sharing at the 2010 State Of The Word speech. Enjoy!      

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Blogging and Keyword Research

  Keyword Research For The Beginner By Sandi Krakowski Keyword research will help you to compete in the marketplace. Knowing what keywords your competitors use can help you to gain momentum quickly in the search engines. When you write your blog posts, submit your articles to places like EZine Articles, when you upload your videos to YouTube and Vimeo these keywords will be very important. A simple and easy tool to use online for this research is Spyfu. Spyfu allows you to enter a domain or a keyword and find the SEO value, Organic Traffic value and more. If you’ve ever wanted to see what your competitors were paying for their ads in PPC and what keywords they were using, this is the way to do it. What if you could be a ‘fly [...]

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