The Most Robust Search Tool For Keywords, Hashtags & Finding People Through Social Media

The Most Robust Search Tool For Keywords, Hashtags & Finding People Through Social Media Today I'm sharing how to find your ideal clients right where they are through social media.  This one tool revealed in this episode can connect you with people who not only need your products and services, but they are already talking about them through their posts on a daily basis! Keywords and hashtags are a bloggers best friend! When used correctly you'll create a SWARM of fresh targeted traffic. The search engines seek out good content that is being consumed on a daily basis by regular traffic. The more targeted traffic, the higher you go into the search engines and the more clients you get! It's a BEAUTIFUL thing! Watch episode #57 NOW and let's make your blog go viral, very [...]

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Facebook Engagement Ratios And Open Graph Search

Facebook Engagement Ratios And Open Graph Search With all the changes going on with Facebook it would be easy to get confused by what actually DOES matter and what a business owner should be doing on their Facebook Timeline Business Page. Open Graph Search made some critical changes in the Facebook Environment and there are key things a business must be doing to create a higher enagement ratio. Listen today as I share "Facebook Engagement Ratios" made easy for ANY business! Facebook Marketing like an expert just got easier! WATCH NOW! ​

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Facebook Marketing For Business & A New Age Of Markteing: 1,292,799 Saw This Post, 85,344 Likes

A New Age Of Marketing 1,292,799 Saw This Post, 85,344 Likes What if only 10% of these results were seen in your company? What if your church had 10% of these results? Do you have a message that the world needs to hear? Then keep reading. How on EARTH does someone get 1,292,799 people to see a post and then have 85,344 like it? Facebook Ads. That's how.  We are in a NEW AGE of Marketing and it's time that every company, university, ministry and anyone doing any sort of 'getting the word' out pay attention closely. Many will be asking the BIG question: HOW does this translate to sales? If 85,344 people LIKE something on Facebook it will show to those who are also their friends. This means that the demographic and psychographics [...]

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Business Is Just A Big Game….. Or Is It?

Business Is Just A Big Game….. Or Is It?  By: Sandi Krakowski We’ve all heard the saying, “Business is just a game, break the rules and you’ll win!”  Or maybe this one resonates more with you, “Business is just a numbers game, get enough numbers into your game and you’ll get more in your bank account.”  When we built our first business life was my teacher, the integrity that we lived daily was how our customer service department was built. We didn’t cut corners, operate without ethics or serve ourselves to build a $ 4.5 million dollar company. Our customers always were and always will be our focus. Are you building a customer focused business or are you simply working to make money? A customer centric company creates a mission statement with core values [...]

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