HOW To Stay Strong Even On Bedrest, When Injured, Or You Have To Take It Slow! How to COME BACK even stronger and more powerful! (My story) is my first day back to the gym, working with my personal trainer with MAT: Muscle Activation Techniques, Massage and working out to make myself stronger! I'm so excited!Earlier today I posted a photo of myself getting happy and motivated and people asked me HOW did I stay so lean, HOW did I stay on top of my game when things were crumbling around me! So I did a live Facebook video session sharing with you some of the things I did so that I could come back MORE powerful and stronger than I was before.If you're struggling, you aren't where you want to be, things are dragging and you are feeling lost.... this is for YOU!Watch the full video here: love,Sandi Krakowski 

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    How To Stay Strong In The Difficult Seasons Of Life

    We all have difficult seasons in life. One of the keys to staying strong in our difficulty is not getting stuck. Realize, you won't be here forever, and this isn't the end of the story for your life.But what can you do in the MIDST of the challenging situations, to stay strong and courageous? Here are a few tips.Give yourself grace. This is NOT the time to start a new lifestyle change, drastically alter things you're doing, get a new job or relocate. This is a time to do self-care and support yourself. When you plan things, give yourself extra time to accomplish it. Take a little more time to get ready in the morning. Schedule in naps on the weekends. Even if you need to take a few personal days at work- support [...]

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