ARealChange.TV Episode # 28 Over-Achievers Syndrome & How To Overcome It!

ARealChange.TV Episode # 28 Over-Achievers Syndrome & How To Overcome It! Episode # 26 got A LOT of attention! When we discussed the topic of Unhealthy Competition, never in a milllion years was I able to foresee the kind of response this would create! Small business owners, executives of multi-million dollar brands and company owners who manage hundreds of staff all said that they were so grateful someone was putting a VOICE to this topic, once and for all!  Why is it that no one wants to talk about Unhealthy Competition? It's killing us! It's something that has to be be discussed.... and alongside of that is the issue of Over-Achiever's Syndrome. My friends, this generation is SICK of working 90 hours per week or being told that those who succeed just work harder, work longer, never do anything [...]

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Findinging Your Niche, Identifying Your Ideal Client & Monetizing Your Blog For BEGINNERS!

  We start TODAY!!! More than 345 people people are joining me in our Inner Circle where I'm leading a beginner's course on how to start your business out right. Are you a "Beginning" Business owner or someone with a dream in your heart to build your own place online that can produce not only an income for you, but the kind of lifestyle you've been dreaming of? Do you feel like you're just starting out and have NO CLUE what your niche is, whether to sell a product or service, if you want to do physical products or maybe you just want to do digital information products? I can help! With my 15 year track record and having personally sold hundreds of thousands of physical products, digital products, services and more I want to GIVE [...]

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The BIG KEY To Getting More Traffic To Your Blog, More Fans On Facebook And More Money In The Bank!

[vc_video link="" align="center"] ARealChange.TV Episode # 27 The BIG KEY To Getting More Traffic To Your Blog, More Fans On Facebook And More Money In The Bank! Today I'm using a few "props" to teach a point. Everyday my amazing team here at A Real Change International answers questions and offers help to business owners who want to grow their online presence. Two of the most popular questions we receive each and everyday, epsecially from beginners are- "HOW do I get more traffic to my blog?!" and that question is usually followed by... "How can I get more fans on my Facebook page?" Let me share with you how you can not only increase traffic to your website and blog, but you'll create MAGNETIC traffic with people who not only want to read what [...]

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A Real Change TV Episode # 26- A VERY personal topic, from my heart to yours

  A Real Change TV Episode # 26- A VERY personal topic, from my heart to yours Introduction from Sandi- Today I'm taking a risk..... on our A Real Change TV show I'm revealing to you a dangerous enemy that is prowling around and destroying innocent victim's lives! You must be on guard or you could be next.   Please know, I am not being sensational, esoteric or fictitious! I have your best interest at heart and with that, I've taken a big risk talking about a topic that far too many people shy away from.   You've seen this enemy in mentors online!   You've seen it on the television!     It's prowling around social media, in the news and in classrooms filled with children.  Please, take just 8 minutes and get [...]

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