3 Ways To Increase Traffic, Build A Bigger List & Make More Money With A Blog

3 Ways To Increase Traffic, Build A Bigger List & Make More Money With A Blog - Why your blog needs to get personal  By: Sandi Krakowski The internet has changed SO MUCH since I first began my first business. When our 4.5 million dollar kitchenware business was built in the 90's we didn't have blogs, videos OR social media. Makes one wonder how on earth we were able to grow such a big company so fast, doesn't it!? With all the amazing ways we can connect online today with Twitter, Facebook, InstaGram, Pinterest, Wordpress, Email and more, how on EARTH were we so successful? The personal aspect of business and getting personal with our clients is a key we've used successfully now for 15 years online, in 11 respective businesses. From writing about [...]

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Don’t Ask A Fat Person How To Lose Weight & Other Wisdom For The New Business Owner

  Don't Ask A Fat Person How To Lose Weight  & Other Wisdom For The New Business Owner   By: Sandi Krakowski   I'm excited to talk to you today! Let me just cut to the chase and jump right in, ok? Today I have a question for you. Some of you will be grateful I asked. Some... well, not so much. But let me reassure you that the words that I write are always given from a heart of love and encouragement. YOUR dreams mean the world to me. I don't want to see you struggle any longer. Today's article is going to trigger some of you... so please be ready for it. But if you take the time to journal and write out what exactly upset you or made you uncomfortable, you [...]

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When do I hire staff and how do I train a freelancer? Your questions!

When do I hire staff and how do I train a freelancer? Your questions!   By: Sandi Krakowski  This question came in on my Facebook page last week. I thought it would help all of you for me to answer! "Sandi, I have a question that really bothers me and I hope you can give me (and others) a good answer. The business is growing nicely thank God and I hired help - with logistics, answering emails, etc. The only thing is, there are times when there's hardly anything to do, and there are times when there is so much work I can use 2 helpers.How do I help my business grow, keep my worker working in quiet times, and manage all the traffic in hectic times? I considered hiring freelancers every once in a while but I don't want to [...]

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ARealChange.TV Episode #24- Marketing Your Winning Business Plan

  Episode #24- Marketing Your Winning Business Plan  Last week we walked through creating a winning business plan. Today I'm sharing multiple strategies and secrets that you can use to instantly gain deeper reach and get great results for your business. One tip I'm sharing reveals how our clients have made millions of dollars in the last year! Pay very close attention. Are you confused by where to start, what to do first and what would be revelant specifically for your business online? This will give you the answer. Grab a pen and paper and let's get started NOW!

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