
"How To Create, Manage And Sustain Your Own Successful Coaching Program Without A Lot Of Staff, Travel Or Headaches" 


Dear entrepreneur, 

I've been coaching for over 10 years. One on one coaching has always been what I thought was the "doorway" to a successful business. At least that's what all the other gurus taught. But it wasn't until I launched my first BIG coaching program in 2010 that sold out in 24 hours and wrote more than $450,000 into my bank account that I began to really understand WHAT it takes to not only run a successful coaching practice, but how to do build one that you can enjoy for a long time.

What if we could meet every month and discuss, as a group, the common challenges that coaches are experiencing? Many times, finding a solution is easier than you think. But it can get grueling if you are trying to find it alone. Masterminds are proven to help exclusive groups of people to move forward faster than most methods for this generation. Because of the internet, we can now meet together easily, and it doesn't matter where you're located or what your time zone is. 

Let me show you how to STOP selling your time and energy while building a hugely successful coaching program. YOU decide who to coach because they are qualified to work with you AND you are able to help them achieve success. No more low balling your prices and no more selling more seats than you have time to handle!

This program will sell out fast and we must limit it to the first 350 people, so that our students can get the BEST results in their coaching business.



 How to create a program that sells out every month

 Managing your time so you can stay focused for your clients

 Balancing the boundaries of personal and professional life

 Creating content that helps people go farther, every single month

 Deciding whether to do one on one coaching, group coaching or VIP days

 Technical issues such as:  Forums, groups, doing a live event, hotel meetings, content security, protecting your business, when to hire an attorney, website, email, client care and more

 Growing in a strong supportive community that keeps you focused

 Get first hand 'being the scene's' access to what it really takes to be successful

 How to integrate faith into your coaching program, or not

 Becoming a servant leader without building a codependent nightmare

 How to become a speaker while you're coaching

 Why 'free' programs never serve anyone and how to price your services and courses so various levels of access exist

 YOUR personal growth and how to not lose yourself in your business

 How to create a coaching program that supplements a direct sales business

 Do's and Don'ts of Facebook Groups and coaching

 Guidelines, payments and regulations that make a coaching program run smoothly

… ​AND SO MUCH MORE!!!  Each month there will be an opportunity for you to mastermind with other coaches, grow collectively and to interact with Sandi personally to bring about your best result! 


When you can build a coaching practice that serves the RIGHT people and is driven by making a BIG change, wealth will follow you! 


Now YOU can have access to Sandi every month, with a LIVE video training, private membership group and monthly mastermind video webinar with other members. 

FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED: When we sell out, We sell out!


  • Monthly video training and update from Sandi Krakowski personally
  • Action Steps you can take in your coaching business 
  • Live interaction with Sandi in her Private Facebook Group For Coaching Mastermind Members
  • Monthly LIVE Video Mastermind Call With Sandi As A Group
  • Recordings of all videos and calls for your learning library you can have forever
  • Special guests from Sandi's global connections around the world
  • Book reviews and resources from Sandi
  • Interviews and more with high level leaders

This mastermind will be reserved for those who are very serious. 


Sold Out

$ 97.00 Per Attendee, Month To Monthly Membership



Your membership will run for 30 consecutive days

If you join on the 5th, your membership will go until the 5th of the following month. At that you will be renewed in the program you selected unless a cancellation is made. If a cancellation is made within 3 business days of an automated billing a refund may be issued however no refunds shall be done after 3 business days of the charge date.