It's COPYWRITING month in Inner Circle!


Because there are 5 Tuesdays this month we've decided to GIVE AWAY Lesson #1 of our Inner Circle training video!

This month we're doing Copywriting!! You can watch the ENTIRE video here now- 

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When you write your blog posts, emails, auto responders, newsletters and sales pages are you paying attention to word count? You should!

Word count = attention span!

This month in our Inner Circle program I'm teaching Copywriting for an entire month! We're starting out today with a lesson on word count. Specific tips on word count, how to benefit your reader with a targeted count, how to not overwhelm them with too many words, what is industry standard on various platforms and more!

The Inner Circle program is a great starting point for any beginning business owner. It's also a GREAT place to keep your skills sharp if you find yourself reinventing things too often!

Come join us TODAY!! We are delivering the first training video shortly!

See you there-

With love,
Sandi Krakowski

P.S. The Inner Circle program is a specialized coaching program where you get daily access to me and we focus on one topic, each month, to saturation. After homeschooling my children for 20+ years it's become obvious to me that the BEST approach to mastery is to saturate a topic. Every month in Inner Circle we do just that. 

Come on, we can't wait to meet you!