Build Your Own Coaching Program With Sandi Krakowski

Coaching Your Way- How To Create Your Own Successful Coaching Program Without A Lot Of Staff, Travel Or Headaches

Dear entrepreneur, author, musician, athelete, practioner or anyone with a desire to coach and impact the world-

I’ve been coaching for over 10 years. One on one coaching has always been what I thought was the “doorway” to a successful business. At least that’s what all the other gurus taught. But it wasn’t until I launched my first BIG coaching program in 2010 that sold out in 24 hours and wrote more than $450,000 into my bank account that I began to really understand WHAT it takes to not only run a successful coaching practice, but how to do build one that you can enjoy for a long time.

The biggest challenge that most coaches will encounter is this:  Burnout.

They will hear from all the experts that as long as they have enough seats in their program sold they will always be wealthy. They map out their “My Biggest Successful Coaching Program Profit Map” and before you know it, the desire to impact people’s lives is overtaken by a desire to make money. 

NOW we enter the nightmare.

The program is now designed by “How much money can I make” and not, “How can I impact people’s lives in a big way.”  Filling seats becomes the goal and getting a credit card from a client that goes through is what defines success. UGH.

Let me show you how to STOP selling your time and energy while building a hugely successful coaching program. YOU decide who to coach because they are qualified to work with you AND you are able to help them achieve succes. No more low balling your prices and no more selling more seats than you have time to handle!

When you can build a coaching practice that serves the RIGHT people and is driven by making a BIG change, wealth will follow you

Let’s look at my track record.

For 6 years I did spiritual root coaching, web copy coaching and marketing coaching. My hourly rate went from $197 per hour to $597 per hour because of my expertise and demand on my time. Today it costs $1997 per hour to coach with me and $2997 per hour to have me write your copy. I’m not bragging, this is just to show you that as expertise, experience and demand increases, your rates should too. BUT…… how do you get there?? Keep reading.

I’ll tell you. There are other things to consider….. do you want to do one on one coaching? Group coaching? Live masterminds? Live VIP days? And it doesn’t stop there.


Build A Life You Can Be Proud Of!

In 2011 I again launched a coaching program and in 36 hours wrote $1.5 MILLION dollars into my business, IN 36 HOURS!  2012, we sold out in 48 hours and I wrote more than $2 million into my business but it wasn’t by tripling and quadrupling my hours and the amount of work I do. In 2013 our program sold out in 48 hours again and this time I made a choice to only coach 10 hours per month while STILL doubling our profits. Oh.. and EVERY person in my coaching program had to fill out an application. 

LESS HOURS- MORE MONEY!  I can show you how!

But please, listen to this.  In 2013 alone I created 9 VERY SUCCESSFUL group coaching programs that generated MILLIONS of dollars as well that didn’t require I leave my home or do one on one coaching at all. Maybe you should do only group coaching. I can help YOU, if you’re ready!

Do you have a dream in your heart to impact people’s lives and to serve with all your heart?

Have you wanted to write your own schedule, build your own calendar and make a choice about who you work with? (rather than just accepting applicants simply because they can pay your fee?)

Build A Coaching Practice

Building A Successful Coaching Program To Six and Seven Figures

On this MP3 class I’ll be showing you HOW to build your own coaching program.

We are going to work through some worksheets and map out what we should be coaching on, what the marketplace is demanding and how YOU can build your own legacy coaching program in less time than you ever dreamed was possible.

Now that I’ve built a business with more than 1.8 million clients on the small business side AND we are also serving several national brands on our corporate media side, I’ve had an insider’s look at what causes a coaching program to soar and what causes it to sink. 

Just some of what we’ll learn:

  • How to identify what you could do as a professional coach (Worksheet test)
  • What months on the calendar are more profitable for coaching and what months are NOT
  • When to launch your program, ideally
  • How many days should your program be
  • What should you offer
  • Should it be done live, in the evening, during the day or by videos
  • How do you make all the content
  • When to use groups and forums and when to avoid them
  • Are worksheets, workbooks and other deliverables required
  • How much should I be charging and calculating your value
  • Should I charge an hourly rate, a flat rate or what should my fee be
  • Avoiding the tragic mistake of launching a program that doesn’t sell enough seats
  • What to do about returns and complaints
  • Should we be using contracts in our coaching
  • How to build a bigger practice every year with less hours
  • Do you want to do one on one coaching? VIP Days? Masterminds in person? Virtual masterminds? Group coaching? What is your desire for your best life?


When you are done with this life changing class you will know exactly how to build your own coaching practice and be ready to serve people IMMEDIATELY!


Cell Phone Dollar


INCLUDES: Mp3 of entire class – 2.5 hours total!!

1 EZ Payment $ 47.00

$ 1997 VALUE!!!


Sandi’s 100% Personal Guarantee!
This comes with my *no-risk, 60 day unconditional money back guarantee*. I am so convinced that you will have results be satisfied with this class, I’m willing to take the risk of letting you attend the entire class, and then decide if it was for you. *There is NOTHING to lose!*
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average attendee/purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.