You were created for so much more!

When we stop taking risks and  we only play to win, we lose the power and the momentum that could have been ours to propel us into the next chapter of our journey. You were designed to grow, be stretched, recover, restore and move forward.

Deep inside of you is the DNA of a Champion that knows it was designed for more.

Your mind is not losing the battle, it's not exploding and it's not overwhelmed as the media, the messages and the plague of society would like you to think. YOU were created for so much more!

You have a brilliant mind that longs to go places that so many would never even considering visiting. Your heart longs to be wild, stretched and moved into a realm that is so impossible it will take nothing short of a mighty move of God to carry you through.

You were created for SO MUCH more!

To go farther, we have to be more, way before we'll ever do more. The way we think, the habits we hold, the way we view ourselves is all showing up in the space called 'your business'. I'm here to tell you there is more!

December is a month to FINISH what you started… it's a time to press through when everyone else draws back.

A Champion knows there is a path and they must stay steady, strong and focused on the path. They recover quickly when mistakes happen. They wipe off the residue and know that they have NO time for drawn out belabored drama.

You, my dear friend and reader, were created for more!

YOU, yes you.

It's deep inside of you…. calling out. It's not going to be quiet, it won't silence it's thunder and it will NOT be still even if a hundred million voices say, "What you think isn't important"

Today…. my message for you is simply this…. FLY! 2013 is awaiting you… .finish 2012 strong!

I love you,

Sandi Krakowski