
Have you ever noticed that we train people for GREATNESS as the people of God, but when someone starts embracing their greatness, they oftentimes get accused of being filled with vain ambition, worldliness or even sin?  

We preach and pray that people will INVADE the marketplace and bring the love of God to the highest places on the mountain of influence… but when God positions people in these places of high influence the religious then start saying the person is no longer safe to be around, are focused more on the world than the church or all other manner of lies from hell?  

I recently heard someone preach that Joseph was disobedient when he was buried in Egypt and that this was not the plan of God for him. This was such wrong teaching rooted in religion and tradition. GOD POSITIONED Joseph into Egypt. God HIMSELF made Joseph look like an Egyptian. HE gave Joseph a heart for Egypt. He gave him FAVOR and AUTHORITY and INFLUENCE in EGYPT!

If God raises up someone in Hollywood or Las Vegas or in Washington we must be very very careful what our small soulish mindsets have to say about that.

We teach about marketplace movements and we teach about invading the mountains but when God gives authority, influence and supernatural power (WHICH by the way is the outflow of a mandate from heaven) many will judge such a person by their own small scary world view. They can’t comprehend God using a Daniel with a King Cyrus, who not only doesn’t seek God, but who GOD has full intention in using.

Cyrus was SUMMONED by God and God said He was going to use King Cyrus for His own glory and His own purpose. Be cautious having an opinion about how that looks in the eyes of men.

When we train our children for GREATNESS please prepare them, empower them and EQUIP THEM to be great, powerful and holy.

Equip them to resist the religious spirit and to learn that the positioning is lonely but it will be RIGHT.  

 A NEW generation is rising. Dancers, worshippers, warriors in the marketplace who SHIFT ECONOMIES and will be entrusted with great portions of wealth for the King’s glory. Be careful having an opinion about how the hand of God moves.

Prepare your children for Greatness and get out of their way when God brings it!  


Sandi Krakowski

Sandi Krakowski