Creating A Revolution And A Revival In Business

We've entered into a period in time where the rules have changed, the benchmark has been raised and the way we've 'always done business' no longer works!

It no longer depends on your network of friends, your letters behind your name or whether you have 'paid your time'! There's a shift taking place in business that has taken many by surprise and others have been planning and preparing for it for years.

Today, a small home based business can be on equal footing with a long established business professional who has a network 100 miles long. A corporate business and a small office business compete on equal footing. Truly, a revolution- a change in established process and organization has completely 'rewrote the book' of success.

Social Media has totally rewritten the way we do business! But before you get all excited and start screaming your "Hurrays!" please know that not everyone is celebrating!

There are those who have been writing copy and doing direct response marketing for over 30 years who now have to compete with new-comers because the rules have changed. You could quite seriously encounter some opposition if you rise to the top very quickly. But this my friends is the cost of dealing with The Resistance.

A revolution changes the established order- it throws into the hands of a beginner the ability to connect with millions of people with out spending a penny. It makes media buys and television commercials look like a waste of money when the profitability of social media is throughly considered.

Along with this revolution is a revival. Before you think this is a 'church' term, think again! To revive is to bring back to life, consciousness, or strength; resuscitate or be resuscitated. So we see that a revival is to bring back to life the original state of business from long ago.

My friends, the industrial revolution was not been the best thing to happen to our nation. It's taken mom and dads outside of the home, ushered in governmentally run school systems that program people for lack and failure and has destroyed the family as we knew it. Families no longer spend dinners together let alone co-habit together. They are disjointed, disconnected and unless something changed, not like they used to be.

A revival is also taking place in business where people are discovering that the entrepreneur spirit is beginning to outpace the employee mindset. Gone are the days when a college education guarantees success.  The security and the worlds fastest growing millionaires are no longer connected to an "Ivy League" of friends. They are connected to 500 million strangers who overnight have become 'friends' who 'like' them.

The internet has made it easier for the small person to be successful. As recent articles in the news reveal, people who have 250 viewers to their blog per day can quickly go to 50,000 with the right exposure, and an article of interest!  

Are you ready to create a real change with me going into 2011? We're already planning a BIG social media marketing webinar and live event, along with our Masterminds for the coaching group! I can't wait to see you in person! Until then…..

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small Conversational Copy That Closes The Sale Quickly


Sandi Krakowski    is a "Back To Basics Step By Step Business" expert who currently serves more than 69,000 clients in over 106 countries. Her systems help the average business owner as well as big corporations get extra-ordinary results quickly. She has a track record for her 'bringing it into action' processes that company owners find easy to implement with quick results. She has been working online successfully for the last 14 years.