If you're a home business owner or a small business looking to break through into the new economy that exists online, one thing is certain- growing your customer base, filled with paying clients, is your biggest daily task. Sadly, many of the gurus out there are not teaching you step by step methods on how to do this.
When I expanded my business from a freelance service provider to a training company teaching online classes, doing mentoring and coaching I was faced with the enormous task of building my list from the ground up just like you are. I quickly discovered that some of the methods people were teaching didn't work. Orthey worked so slowly that it would take me at least 10 years to get to my goal.
Building a list of clients is the single greatest task you can and should focus on. Why? Because once that is done you will enter a realm that I refer to as,"Predictable Profits." A client base that is rightly targeted and grown by your direction (and not guesswork) will be so loyal and so powerful that ANYTHING you have to offer will sell.
Far too many people are talking about how to get BIG followings on social media! I want to teach you how to create a big paying client base of customers you love, and have the honor to serve every day. The number of followers means nothing if they aren't rightly targeted and buying from you. But how do we do that? That's what we're leading with in Kansas City, September 16 & 17th, 2014.
Social media offers the single greatest platform I know of in my entire 18 year history in business for creating a huge client base. The average small business owner can create a paying customer base of 25,000 clients in under a year and generate for themselves a handsome income! The BIG KEY however is knowing how to do this when everything is constantly changing online.
Google, Facebook and Twitter have CHANGED THEIR GAME! Are you ready?
During some of my most recent meetings with these big giants in social media I'm noticing a trend that YOU must be on alert about- they are changing everything they've ever done. New tools are being added, new methods of doing things, new opportunities for advertising, paid and free, are opening up. MY job is to show to you how you can use these changes and tools for your advantage in growing a HUGE list!
Do you have 10 years to grow your business? I didn't either.
Jay Abraham, the Marketing guru to the gurus who charges $ 25,000 for a consultation teaches the facts when it comes to company growth. These are the strategies that all online companies are using.
Step 1- Increase your list of customers
Step 2- Increase the number of purchases they make or increase the average amount they spend on each purchase.
It's that simple.
But the way most small businesses are doing it would take 10 LONG years! Let me show you how to do it in under 15 months! In Kansas City, on September 16 & 17 I am going to reveal things I've NEVER shared before on the list building, client growing side. I've taught you ads, we've talked about engagement, NOW it's time to talk about how to bring all of these pieces together from social media so that you can build a predictable profits pipeline for your company!
I've NEVER taught this stuff before!
Why? Because during the last 22 months I've been testing, sampling, scoping and studying all the different pieces together to see IF indeed it would work for any business owner. And it will. I personally have grown my client base to over 850,000 followers and 1.5 million customers. That's why every time I release a product, launch and event, open my doors for ANYTHING, people buy. Now I want to teach you how to do the exact same thing!
Once you get 500 customers on your list the shift begins to happen. People are paying attention, emails are coming in, products are being sold. But it's not quite enough to make $10,000 per month unless your prices are very high.
Then the 2500 mark creates a whole new aspect for your business. Growing to 5000 paying clients is the big ticket to a 6-figure online company. I truly believe that!
We'll talk about how to get your first 500 customers and then move to the 1500 range. Once we cover those basics we'll move onto how to explode your marketing efforts…. and get to that sought out goal of 5000 ideal clients on your house list and social media following who are BUYING regularly! Predictably!
5000 is your magic number when it comes to building an in house list. This is where regular referrals, repeat business and customer loyalty really takes off!