Creating Rapid Response To Your Opt-In

By: Sandi Krakowski

When building your website there is one component that should be in the upper right hand corner of your online real estate that you don't want to be without it. This one critical component increases credibility, helps build rapport and determines more than 50% of your long term results It is your Opt-In box.

Just putting up an Opt-In form and adding words like, "Sign up for our latest news!" isn't going to cut it. No one wakes up in the morning with a strong desire to sign up for anything, let alone another newsletter.

The only reason that someone would give you their private information, their email address, is if you in turn give them something of value at no cost. 

The law of reciprocity says that when you give me something of value and it doesn't cost me anything I feel obligated to now give you something of value.  Signing up for another newsletter is not really perceived as something valuable unless you are a household name. Signing up for a newsletter that Lady Gaga publishes might seem logical but if you haven't reached that level of notoriety yet, here are some tips and strategies to increase your Opt-In results. 

1. Offer a 5 page report that exposes a problem. What problem exists in your business, in your industry, in the field you are in. For example, are you an accountant? Why do people tend to lose money with an accountant rather than save it? Are there things people should know about accountants that could save them money and time?  Give a report that solves a problem or exposes one. This will build credibility and help to build rapport.

2. Give away a free video or a series of videos. Offer a training that others are charging money for. Make the recording process easy for yourself but of high value for your client. 

3. Publishing a book? Give me a sneak peak at a chapter. Pull out a few chapters and paragraphs, add some graphics and 'tease' me with it.

4. Got a meal planning, cooking, kitchen related business? Give me an exclusive cookbook with recipes I'd never find anywhere else. Show me your speciality and give me reason to buy from you.

Sadly, far too many people assume that they just need an Opt In form to get people to join their list. That is not true. If it was, let me ask you this- WHY do so many people struggle to build a list?

The only way you'll get people to Opt-In to your 'form' is if they aren't even thinking about the Opt-In process, they want the free content, video, MP3, report, eBook or whatever it is you are giving them. 

This is why you as the business owner must operate with the utmost of integrity and excellence. You will make or break your future with these clients by what they receive when you give these things away. It will determine if they'll buy something from you. 

When you offer something for free please make it valuable. Please don't whip something up and just assume no one reads it anyways. Trust me, they read it. If they liked you, trusted you and you send them crap- they will never read another thing you offer. Period. You'll need plastic surgery and a name change. But be honest, give something of great value and they'll be loyal to you and trust you for a long time. WHAT a fun way to build a list!

Let's recap:

Your list Opt In form should be in the upper right hand corner preferably. 

It should be ready for your prospect to fill out above the fold of the page. Don't make them scroll down.

Give away something of huge value. Be sincere, serve and they will be so glad you did. (you'll sleep better at night as well)

Your next step is your confirmation email and preferably an autoresponder series. This confirmation email should be short, bright and done.  Confirm they are getting what you said you were giving them, give them the link to receive their valuable information and get out of there. Serve, be bright, brief and gone. Let them devour what you sent. 

The autoresponder series should then build rapport. It should be 3-4 letters in length. Keep these brief and bright as well. Enjoy your customers and they will enjoy you.

Email #1 after the original confirmation should arrive the very next day. Invite them to meet you on Facebook. Don't invite them on both Twitter and Facebook, just one or the other. If you give too many options people won't do anything.  Invite them to Facebook. Tell them that you want to see their faces, get to know them and build a community.  Close with, "I'll see you there!"  Be energetic and make your emails a pleasure to read. It will keep your Opt-Outs low.

Email #2 the next day after the Social Media invite. Ask them how it's going. Direct them to something on your website to assist in their learning. Point out something that others have found hugely valuable. Ask if you can help with anything. Be bright, be brief and be gone. 

Email #3  two days after email #2 show up again but this time ask if they finished going through the report, the video or whatever it is you gave them. Point out one specific part that you know if they really did go through it they'll remember. Ask them to reply to that email or come onto your Facebook page and tell you what they thought. Give them a direction, keep the rapport going. But remember, be brief, be bright and be …. gone. That's right. Keep it short and pleasant.

Email #4  shows up two days later. This is the email that you give them another step. If the free product gave step by step information than what is your clients next step. Should they listen to another audio, read an article, sign up for a class? What is the most common route your clients take to success? Tell them. Keep it brief, make the email 1-2 paragraphs and let the sales page you direct them to do the rest. End of series.
No more harassing, no more selling, nadda. Let your eZine or Newsletter or Blog do the rest of the relationship building. 

Be known as one who gives enormous value and you'll create so many evangelists for your products that you'll be looking to hire help.

This is one of the secrets that I'm going into with much more specific detail on my upcoming List Building class. I look forward to serving you there!  
With love,
Sandi Krakowski