Current Classes

If you're wondering where to get started and what to do first, here are my recommendations:

– Go through Social Media Bootcamp for an overview of how to take your business into the profit zone while creating culture
– Then move onto my Facebook Marketing class
– Your best 'third step' is the Social Media Masters course

– Then work through my Facebook TEMPLATES, Facebook Ads, Twitter, Opt In Offer, Product Release Strategies and then Remarketing Templates.
– If you want to build an online store- 12 Weeks Your Store will get you there

With our special ridiculous 'affordable to everyone' pricing, you get everything you need while learning and earning!


Social Media Business Bootcamp


How To Become Profitable on Social Media Without A College Degree, A Ton of Overhead or Staff!








Facebook Marketing For Business


Business Pages Made Easy!


Attract More Leads, Build A Winning Business Plan, Create A Culture People Love On Facebook!








Social Media Masters Program


Let me teach you how to build a COMMUNITY that changes the world and content they want to read every single day!


Never Before Taught: Highly Effective Copywriting, Ad Writing, Content Creation & Social Media Influencer Apprenticeship. For Small Business Owners OR Anyone Wanting A New Career!








12 Weeks Your Store


How to: Create & Market Your Own Online Retail Store


This video class is PERFECT for anyone who has created their own product, wants to drop ship someone else's product, has a direct sales product or even an information digital product and needs a great store AND marketing help!










Twitter for Business


The "20 Minute Per Day" Twitter Solution For Business


How to gain thousands of new followers on Twitter that are highly targeted, want to talk to you and buy your products!








Facebook Ad Templates


Simple printable templates anyone can use to write highly converting ads in seconds!


Multi-millionaire copywriter and one of the BEST Facebook Ad Experts in the world, Sandi Krakowski, will be your guide through each template.








Facebook Remarketing Ads Templates


Turn every visitor on your website into repeat customers with a quadruple-blind tested template for transforming every $10 spent on Facebook Ads into $100 profit.








Opt-In Offer Cash


Size DOES Matter…


Are you tired of working so hard but never quite reaching the 5-figure per month goal you’ve been dreaming of? I can help!








Facebook Ads Made Easy For Small Business


How to Write Better Ads, Attract The Right Clients & Sell More Products from Facebook for $10 per day.


I’m giving away all my secrets in this class for running Facebook Ads quickly & easily, while not breaking the bank!








Simple Product Release Strategy


Step By Step Marketing Plan For Your Product Release Strategy Made SUPER SIMPLE!


A STEP-BY-STEP Template You Can Insert Your Product Or Service Into Instantly & Succeed… or Your Money Back!





