Secrets, Tools & Methods That Millionaire
Business Owners Use To Grow Their List
How to go from 500-5000 clients in less than 30 days!
(Learn the exact same step by step process I used to grow a list of 100,000 hot & hungry customers in under 11 months and 300,000 clients in 3 years!!)
Dear Business Owner,
If you're a home business owner or a small business looking to break through into the new economy that exists online, one thing is certain- growing your list is your biggest daily task. Sadly, many of the gurus out there are not teaching you step by step methods on how to do this.
When I expanded my business from a freelance service provider to a training company teaching online classes, doing mentoring and coaching I was faced with the enormous task of building my list. I quickly discovered that some of the methods people were teaching didn't work. Or they worked so slowly that it would take me at least 10 years to get to my goal.
Do you have 10 years to grow your business? I didn't either.
Jay Abraham, the Marketing guru to the gurus who charges $ 25,000 for a consultation teaches the facts when it comes to company growth. These are the strategies that all online companies are using. Increase your list of customers, increase the number of purchases they make or increase the average amount they spend on each purchase.
So- how do you do this quickly and effectively if you've never done it before.
Are you……..
And before I grew my business to where we are now with 300,000 current customers on our in house list I was struggling the exact same way. Oh sure, we were making great money. But that's because I have a specialized skill and can charge high fees for my services. When it came to building a big list that we could sell to everyday- that was another story.I know just how you feel.
Having built a business in the home based market before generating a large lead list was not a problem. But when it came to selling to them regularly the people who filled out the 'request for more information on a home based business' got mad at me when I tried to market to them regularly.
I've built a huge profit by picking up the phone and calling a ton of online leads. It's a great way to go… but who wants to do that for 3, 5, or 10 years down the road? NOT me! And I bet not you, either.
Knowing how to build your list of 5000 clients will change things……..
Once you get 500 people on your list the shift begins to happen. People are paying attention, emails are coming in, products are being sold. But it's not quite enough to make $ 10,000 per month unless your prices are very high.
Then the 1500 mark creates a whole new aspect for your business. Growing to 5000 is the big ticket to a 6-figure online company.
1.5 years ago, God brought Sandi into my life and a wealth of growth. Before I met Sandi and Pj McClure, I was struggling with false beliefs, crummy mindsets and making about $2000 per year. After 1 year listening, learning and activating what they teach, my attitude is fresh, my mind is new and I grew my income to $10,000 last year. At 29, I know my life will be so much more free and a blessing to others for the gift of Sandi and PJ boldly doing what they were designed to do. Bless you and thank you!
Kayla Howard
I began working with Sandi every week in the year 2011 as a Ruby client – My blog grew from posts that did not teach to one that people comment on and can relate too. Sandi taught me to write to the nurses that were coming to the blog so they could relate – read their mind. My list began to grow, comments began coming in all because they could relate to me. Thank you Sandi, for being the ice breaker to marketing
Angela Brooks
"Plugging into Sandi Krakowski's Coaching has been one of the best decisions in my life. She has given me a simple, easy to follow plan for success. Because of her Coaching, I had my first 6 figure year and was able to hire staff to help me expand even further! I'm excited for what the future holds!" Thank you so much Sandi!
Jimmy Hays Nelson
Are you at the 5000 mark yet?
What if I could teach you how to build a list through each intricate step.
We'll talk about how to get your first 500 customers and then move to the 1500 range. Once we cover those basics we'll move onto how to explode your marketing efforts…. and get to that sought out goal of 5000 ideal clients on your house list.
5000 is your magic number when it comes to building an in house list. This is where regular referrals, repeat business and customer loyalty really takes off!
Let's get YOU to 5000 as fast as possible!
We'll meet together for 9.5 hours through the recordings of my SOLD-OUT teleclass we recently did. . You can attend in the comfort of your home and learn no matter what time zone you are in! Even if you live overseas this event is for you!
Here's your class outline:
Hour 1– How to get your blog ready for monetizing. Let's do all the SEO tricks that no one is teaching yet are so simple a high schooler could master it. We'll spend an entire hour talking about increasing organic traffic, finding your ideal client and mastering the SEO process.
Hour 2- Creating your opt-in page, your free offer and how to increase the amount of people who opt-in every single day. This one hour alone could double your profits. Learn the same secrets that I use on a daily basis to increase my list every single day of the year.
Hour 3- How to use articles, banner ads, PPC and SEO to increase your subscriber base. Gain new customers for your list who are ideal for your business, not just seeking a look-thru but are ready to buy.
Hour 4- Learn to build relationships with companies that are bigger than you are and have a bigger list. Become a featured writer, gain trust from loyal customers who already have a history of purchasing what you offer. (This alone gave me 5,000 new customers in just 30 days!)
Hour 5- Build rapport with your list, decrease opt-outs, gain referrals. This hour will be spent on managing your list. Take good care of your customers, learn to understand them so they will purchase from you every time you offer something.
Hour 6- Let's go to 5000 customers quickly. This last hour will bring it all together and get you into the hyper-speed category without feeling like you'll pull your hair out. The exact step-by-step secrets that all millionaire business owners are using but rarely, if ever, share in detail. (Some are even going to be furious with me for giving this away!)
Questions you might have:
1- Will this class be an upsell for a very high priced coaching or exclusive package? Is that why it's so low priced? Great question! The answer is NO! It will not be an upsell for a higher priced list building class or course. This class will, however, be formatted into a hard product with CD's at a later date that will most likely be 3-4x the price you'll pay today. Grab this low price NOW! ( Don't forget to get the MP3's you can use forever!)
2- Do I have to have a special website set up in order to attend this class? No. Having a website is not a pre-requisite of this class. You will need a website however in order to do many of the things taught but you don't have to have one in order to understand the teachings.
3- Is this class going to be helpful if I do have a network marketing or home based business? Yes! Unless of course you'd like to keep 'hoping' people retain their autoships and you enjoy paying overly priced lead generation companies to find your customers and distributors for you. This class alone could take you to 6-figures in a home based business. Your business depends on a qualified list of customers and clients.
4- Will this class be useful if I am a small business just starting out? Absolutely!! This is your bread and butter. This will put you on track for a perfect foundation.
5- Can I take your class even if I have an offline business? Yes! The skills in this class will help you create an offline or online business client base.
6- What if I like to build things the hard way, enjoy going slow and really would prefer to pay high fees to have someone else build my list even if it's currently not working or has never worked before? Is this class for me? No. This class is NOT for you. Keep paying those high fees, we wish you the best with the slow and painful way and if you do enjoy building things the hard way, we hope you have fun with that.
This class will give you the step by step formula for building, managing and continuing with a big house list.
Big list= big profits. Let's get started!
Yes Sandi!
I am ready to build a huge list of qualified customers that I can market to every single month!
Sign me up for the "List Building Course" and let's get my list growing NOW!
I understand that the 9.5 hours, which includes the SPECIAL "Pre-Game" call will be on the CD set.
My goal is to create a list of 5000 clients and I'm ready to do what it takes to get there!

Prefer to order by phone?
Call (260) 494-1001
between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM EST,
Monday through Friday.