We recently had a contest with a post card mailing we did for our LIVE Dallas, TX event!  The best 3 pictures wins!
Check out these amazing pictures!  They are our winners!

Top 3 pictures WON my 11 Hour CD set & a copy of my book!!!

Betty Hamby 

Jimmy Hays Nelson & his side kick Asher 

Dr Mark Harmon says he wouldn't do surgery without a scalpel and
he recommends you don't do business without Sandi! 

To our winners, please write to clientcare@arealchange.com and give us your mailing address so we can send out your goodies! 

I love seeing your faces & can't wait to see you in Dallas, TX.

Love you all!
Sandi Krakowski

P.S. Come post your favorite picture.. I'd love to see you!