
I have a client in my Marketing & Copywriting business who recently showed a 47% decline in traffic and worse in sales during the last 10 months.  Their first response to this was, "Well we're in a famine so we're grateful to still be alive!"

Now without creating a lot of self-induced hate mail and worse yet someone slandering my name and saying things I didn't mean let me make myself very clear.

I am very very sorry for the losses that so many families and businesses are experiencing.  The point of this article is not to show any lack of compassion.  I am simply attempting to make a point. My client also changed their entire brand, marketing message, efforts, evaluations, did staff changes, relinquished what was working to people who are unqualified and didn't even consider that possibly, just maybe, they had created their own little recession.

The Brain Is Not Something To Take Lightly

I have been taught over and over again by my mentors that you will receive whatever you expect.

So if that is true my question to my client was, "Did the expectation that a famine and loss was coming create the decline in business or did the actions you took because you expected this loss create the problem?"

You see if you live in anxiety that a heart attack could occur at any moment, that someone might rob you, mistreat you, persecute you and harm you eventually you'll most likely experience that which you fear. Fear is a powerful thing and it is NOT a friend of faith. It actually kills faith. Did you hear me? It doesn't make faith sick, it kills it. 

Fear and faith cannot live together. One will kill the other.

Has Fear Been Killing Your Online Business

So my first question to my client was this, "Why did you change your branded message when it wasn't broken?"

They replied, with the typical excuses. I am not used to hearing such excuses from this client however because they have been hugely successful in the past. The list went like this

  • We want a broader reach ( hmmmmm, just getting 100,000 new leads and closing 5000 into full paying customers wasn't enough?)
  • We want to get into other niches ( the one you were in was creating $25 million dollars, you didn't think to triple that ?")
  • We think our new ideas will be innovative in this recession ( creating new things isn't the answer as far too many believe)

Sadly my client had bought into the lie that the media had pitched them.  "Change things. Change. Make Change." They were already successful and would have been able to hold that success if a so-called recession hit. But there was something more critical here. You see if you expect a recession AND you change all of your marketing efforts at the same time you could deceive yourself into thinking you are 'surviving a down turn' when in fact you are 'surviving' your own stupidity!


It's not a wise thing to constantly change what isn't broken. It is a wise move to improve and refine what is acquired in mastery. Otherwise we'll get driven into what the rest of the ego-centric society falls for. More more more, change change change and then broke broke broke! So my client had made some mistakes, we are on task to picking up the pieces.

It's a lesson learned in the book of success.

Where are you today my friend? Have you been EXPECTING a recession just like you're expecting to die of the Swine Flu? I'm sorry but the swine flu is no worse than the influenza that hits every year. More people have it because it's man-made and manipulated.

This recession everyone says we're in is NOT AS BAD as what many states saw in 1982, but who is thinking about that? You will receive what you expect.  What are you expecting?  Just check what you're receiving!