Are you stuck today? Feel like the wind got sucked out of your sails? Life happens, computers crash, projects get ruined on the hard drive and if you're a business owner, you might believe you just aren’t ‘cut out’ to do this sort of thing.
My advise is just get unstuck and do the next thing.
When you’re faced with a life threatening situation you don’t weigh the odds to see whether or not you’d ‘like’ to live, do you? Is there an option? The same holds true for business. Especially when you feel you're called & designed with the purpose of business in your life.
Life was never created to be easy, but it was designed to be lived fully. Entering our 20th year of business, I'll admit that there are days when my brain lacks enough cells to keep up with the tasks. But having a sense of humor, a strong circle of friends and enough skill makes it easier. PLUS…. we have an incredible team here at ARC! And they ALL help with these three key components. Don’t ever try to build a business without these three things.
Let me repeat them: A sense of humor, strong circle of friends and enough skill.
Champions don’t get stuck and pause for a week. Neither should we.
Life happens …. So what do you do when it happens in over drive? The next thing. You just do the next thing. It's not so much about getting everything done on the To Do list all at once, as it is getting it done & having the list to keep you moving. Far too many people just don't "do" when faced with challenges.
For the new business owner challenges can sometimes seem like a sign of sabotage. To the experienced business owner it's a normal part of life. Businesses have challenges, customers have challenges, the internet has challenges, human beings have challenges. To believe a successful business is one without challenges is a delusion! It’s not the challenges that are the issue…. It’s knowing what to do next.
My advice is to DO the next thing.
When I was a young Mommy and days without sleep were the norm, I remember looking at my To-Do list (because I’ve always had one, charts and the whole 9 yards) and feeling super overwhelmed. Back then my standard was ridiculous- I felt as if I was a failure if everything on my list wasn’t done that day. As I've grown in age, experience and value in the marketplace I realize that everything is never really done. Success is moving through the list and enjoying every step along the way.
As a budding writer years ago I would struggle to put some thing, any thing, on the page and felt a total loss for words. Now this might sound shocking to anyone who knows me well but yes, I did lack words and didn’t know what to write about. A secret tip that always worked was to change my environment. 111
Go somewhere else!
I’d go grocery shopping, run errands, or even go to the coffee shop for a date with my sons who were teens at the time. Maybe I’d clean a room, do a load of laundry, take a walk or do something with my pets. It worked every time… on the way home the ideas would be flowing and I’d get the writing started and finished.
Something to consider is this- was it the change of scenery that caused the words to flow again or was it that I just ‘did the next thing?’
Momentum is what you want in your business and getting momentum in your life will help considerably. You might not always know what the next thing is but the key is to never get stuck, never give in, and never back down.
Remember this saying the next time there’s a challenge- no matter what it is: “Do The Next Thing”!
With love,
Sandi Krakowski