I am curious….. would you permit me to take a tiny survey?

When our family was over $ 500k in debt ( included mortgage) and over 6-figures in medical bills- this was after I finally got well, we had to trim the excess out of our budget. Being the organic mommy who eats and treats her family well- let me just say I didn’t feed the junk from Sav A Lot.

My questions:

Do you know how to feed a family of 5 people on $ 50?
Do you know how to stretch a food budget and STILL eat healthy?
Do you know how to trim $ 500 out of your current budget?

What would you do if tomorrow, your income went from $ 15,000 per month to $ 2500? Could you survive or would you crash?

Some of you are at $ 2500 and believe (falsely!) that making $ 15,000 per month would solve all of your problems. NO it wouldn’t because your spending habits would follow you. I know millionaires who are in debt over $3 million dollars and I know people who earn $ 35,000 per year who have a net worth over $ 1 million dollars.

Can you help me out some? I am truly curious how I might be able to help the market with this…. without alot of negative condemnation and illogical expectations.

We’ve been debt free now for 18 months and my monthly expenses are $ 3,000. 🙂 I can spend whatever I want, whenever I want- but that is what it costs me to provide for our family of 4…. well my husband is the provider ( wink) I am the cream maker… and lets just say, I make ALOT of cream each month! 🙂

I’d love your input!