
Micro-Text Posts For Engagement On Your Facebook Page

The first time I used a short, brief text post on Facebook, it was through an ad. I was AMAZED at the response! I got the idea from a headline I saw on a website. It was the thing I needed to kick things up! Ironically, the website had nothing to do with what we market. But fresh inspiration oftentimes comes from places like this for me. (That's a lesson all in itself for you!  Stop looking only at pages and websites that are only like your current niche! Go outside- get new ideas!)

Then I tried it on my Facebook page, Twitter and InstaGram and got even greater

Here's how they work:

Make a list of 3 words, with a period between each. 

Happiness. Understanding. Wisdom.
Joy. PEACE. Life.
Contentment. Unity. Love.

You can capitalize one if you'd like. You can also put one sentence underneath it as well. Either way, you'll get some fun results. Give it a try!  What I've done is create a little note on my iPhone where I keep these ideas. It keeps me fresh and creative when it's time to schedule my content. 

Sometimes I'll go to Oprah's website, because she influences so many millions of people, and get wonderful ideas, headlines and insights on what to write about. Give it a try! Especially when you feel like you're stuck. Even after all of these years of creating content, I have days like this too. So don't be discouraged! Just find a way to keep yourself inspired and motivated.

Today, schedule two posts that have 3 words with a period between each. Watch what happens.  I'd love to hear how things are working for you. Come over to my Facebook page and tell me! 🙂 

Hope. Creativity. FUN. I release these over you today! 

With love,

Sandi Krakowski
