What you can expect at the upcoming Social Media Smartphone GPS Summit in Orlando, FL

In just 22 days we'll be gathered together  at THE FIRST EVER Social Media Smartphone GPS Summit! This event will create a shift in many businesses personally, and mark my words, it will SHIFT how business is done online in a huge way!

We are expecting a large crowd which includes a group of company executives who have a multi billion dollar brand! So, what can you expect from me at this event?

For starters, I want to give the layout of the land for you. What is happening right now in the social media culture, why are some people who have held the space for many years no longer dominating and how is the MOBILE culture causing such a huge shift to what we've known for the last 4 years!

I've been working with some of my top VIP clients for the last year on some Pay Per Click Ad campaigns on Facebook and they are seeing on average 2500-6000 new TARGETED followers added to their Facebook pages in under 120 days.  These are not 'super outrageous claims' but rather, strategy RESULTS that have occurred with a mere $50 per day budget! We WILL be showing you how to do this for your own business. Targeted followers. That's the KEY!

Come to FL on October 6 & 7, 2012 and I'll show you step by step how to target, write and activate your campaigns ON THE SPOT!

As we move along with more teaching on Facebook, I'll also be showing how to utilize Sponsored Stories, Promoted Posts and more so that you SATURATE the market and end up creating results that not even a Google Adwords campaign could compare with! There are specific ways to target users and places on Facebook where you can "TAP INTO" the tap root of profits that are ALREADY active!

This is for beginners and this is FOR the advanced!

When we get into discussing Twitter, I'll be revealing how to successfully create a Targeted Twitter Promote campaign that can help you to add 50-100 new followers PER DAY that Twitter adds for you!

Did you hear me?

Add 50-100 new TARGETED FOLLOWERS to your Twitter Account that Twitter, not some third party- TWITTER helps you add and grow with! We have seen some of our BEST followers become a part of the A Real Change Family this year with a fantastic new marketing tool! We'll also be talking about what you WANT to promote as far as your tweets go and what you DO NOT want to promote! How to stop negative feedback from poor promotions is an URGENT need every business owner has.. and we'll cut to the chase so you are not caught off guard.

Learning how to talk to people in an App Driven Culture is critical! 

I'll be sharing some of my BEST Copywriting Secrets that work beautifully in a 'mini-culture' where most users are communicating on a device that is less than 7 inches big!  Learn how to connect, serve and really have a GREAT time with your audience!

BUT that's not all…….. this is just the beginning! 

How to create continuity programs that sell over and over again with ONE simple breakthrough strategy NO ONE is using! And how we have grown every membership we've created month after month to end up with thousands of recurring orders, done automatically, without ever selling again! 

Discover what Mindset Breakthroughs you need so that your activities online are not only converting, but they are FUELING the kind of life you want. Learn how to WALK AWAY from a 24/7 rat race that demands YOU be attached to it all day and use the best of tools so that systems can run without you, while you enjoy the kind of life you deserve. 

How to prospect, close, interact and sell more products and services through social media and a smartphone! YES, you really can!

BIG REMINDER—–>>>> There is just ONE more day available for you to submit your business plans. If you purchased a seat to The Social Media Smartphone GPS Summit, I'll be giving away a $3000 check to one amazing winner!

We're ALSO be giving away an iPad!!! This baby is packed in my suitcase and I'm going to have some fun with everyone and GIVE THIS AWAY to one lucky person!

This is  just a SNEAK PEAK of what we'll be leading with at this POWERFUL weekend event!

The workbooks are being printed!

Everyone gets a FREE copy of my book!

This will NOT be a pitch fest and you will NOT be pitched all day long to buy things you don't need!

We have hired an AMAZING photographer, 2 Video Camera Operators, A Video Expert and more!

We've set the table clothes for 260+ attendees….

We've got the pool side private VIP Meeting with Gary Vaynerchuk all set!

There is a private VIP Section at the front of the room where our VIP Attendees will be escorted in 30 minutes early and given exclusive front row access to this life changing event!

I can't wait to see you there! It's not too late….. grab your ticket NOW, as we are VERY CLOSE to putting up the SOLD OUT SIGN! 


With love, 

Sandi Krakowski

P. S. 2013 is going to be an AMAZING year for many small business owners. With nearly 6 out of 10 consumers using smartphones, don't you want to tap into that money stream now?  Get a seat! I'll see you there!
