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Dear small business owner, author, practitioner, musician and anyone who wants to use Facebook Ads and not lose a lot of money.

It’s EXCITING the first time you go into the Facebook Ad manager! You can target millions of people with one click of the mouse and Facebook will promote your business page for you! How exciting!

Not so fast there, speed racer!

I've been doing pay per click ads since Overture was around in the 90's. And I want to help you get better results with your ads on Facebook's platform, save you all kinds of money and help you to run a real business, doing ads like an agency with a tiny tiny budget. 




I started using your $10 a day system in January. My page then had 485 likes. I will pass 2000 likes today with a total reach of over 6000.00. I actually now have people liking, commenting, and even sharing my posts and have generated my first sales from my page. Your system works. www.facebook.com/workwithbrigette is my page.
– Bridgette Caldwell

I started using you $10 a day system back in February. My page was then at 2700 likes and is now at 3808, but that is not the best part. My engagement has more then doubled and my sales are proof this system works.www.facebook.com/FitandFabulousFitness is my page.
– Ashley Beeman

I implemented your $10 a day Facebook plan and went from 1,000 fans to almost 9,000 in a few months. Just as important is the fact I have had over 60% engaged people talking about and sharing the content as it has created a vibrant community who love the product! Everything Sandi Krakowski has instructed to do works and my client is thrilled! You can check it out at http://Facebook.com/PassionTranslation
– Theresa Croft

I started at $10/day in ads last June when I began Sandi's Inner Circle class. My page http://www.Facebook.com/themagicbrushinc was at roughly 2500 fans at that time. I have been able to increase my ad budget gradually over the last 9 months. Today my budget is at $50/day and I hit 40,000 fans just yesterday!!! I never would have thought I could afford $350 a week in ads and I couldn't have just 9 months ago. However, my page is generating income for me now, so I am merely just rolling it back into the business. Sandis social media plan WORKS. I am on target to be at 80,000 followers by the end of the year.
– Jennifer Allwood



So many things have changed in the last 90 days on Facebook that it's not hard to see why everyone is complaining about how their engagement is going down, their reach is plummeting, Facebook is creating fake likes and more!

What can a small business owner do to successfully market their Facebook page and their blog to the Facebook audience without breaking the bank?

I’m giving away all my secrets in this class for running Facebook Ads quickly & easily, while not breaking the bank!

Fast Company reports that conversion on Facebook for online sales is higher than ANY OTHER social media platform!
Note article: http://www.fastcompany.com/3027493/fast-feed/for-shopify-merchants-facebook-is-king-in-driving-salesconversionrate

[vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/199501640/8a4e91ee7b” align=”center”]

If you have $10 per day to spend on Facebook ads, I can teach you how to :

  • Increase your click thrus to over 3.7%
  • Attract better customers
  • Spy on someone else's page and know exactly what to write to their customers
  • Write ads that get approved in less than 5 minutes on Facebook
  • Direct people from a Facebook ad to your blog and close a sale, instantly
  • Use the "post page engagement" feature in the Facebook ad manager properly
  • Create better "like" ads on Facebook with free photos
  • Write just 5 words on your Facebook ad and double your conversion
  • Ask the right questions in your sales copy on your ad
  • Create a KILLER CTA: Call To Action that everyone will click thru
  • Design the best timeline header image so your ads convert quickly
  • Avoid wasting money on Facebook with fake likes
  • Manage campaigns and ads so that you can see reports more quickly
  • Read your insights on your page and create ads to sell more products quickly
  • Use Facebook's Power Editor to target agency ads that billion dollar brands use



Lots of changes and very time-sensitive critical actions you as a business owner need to know for your ad campaigns!

I've got you covered!

The changes made in the Facebook Ads Manager make it easier to manage your ads, track clicks and sales, find conversion rates, change your copy and more quickly & easily! I want to walk you through step-by-step, while sharing my screen with you, everything that you can do in the Facebook Ads Manager to spend your time, and money, wisely!

INSTANT DELIVERY, learn now in this live video training where you will be able to see my screen, play-by-play, as I go into my very own Facebook Ads Manager & Facebook Ads Power Editor, revealing step by step secrets that will help any business, large or small, to write better ads.

During this LIVE 2.5 hour video training, you will not only get the “how to” instructions on what to do, but you can SEE ME DOING IT live on my screen – to your screen – across the world – in REAL TIME

This class is especially priced for the small business owner who is very serious about not only growing their Facebook page but about writing ads that increase sales, attracts the right customers and grows a huge community! My page now has 410,000 people engaging with me daily!


All this to say, we haven't even touched
on Custom Audiences /
Remarketing ads yet?

"Re-what?" you say? Have you ever noticed that if you visit a website like Best Buy, Nordstrom, or other places online that they seem "follow you around" everywhere you go? You can't get away from them! It's nearly impossible to ignore them because everywhere you go on Facebook, there's an ad for the the pair of shoes you just looked at the other day on Nordstrom, or the new Beats by Dre headphones that just came out from Best Buy – can you tell where I've been shopping? These are called Remarketing Ads.

Last month we tested out these remarketing ads with a small budget – for our size business – on some of our classes and got a 10x return on every 1 dollar spent!

Now, obviously, we can't guarantee these astronomically high numbers for everybody, but these are average returns that are being advertised by remarketing companies at this time, when combined with the right product, sales copy, website, and good ole' fashion elbow grease.

The way a remarketing campaign works is this: people would visit our site, or sales page, and then for a certain period of time, we would get a chance to "follow them around the web" with our ads for that specific product or service.

Because these ads are so micro-niche targeted to only qualified buyers, the income potential is even higher than just traditional Facebook ads! Just in our initial test we experienced this as well, and continue to do so!

jeremy-300 That's why I've recruited the help of Media Director here at A Real Change International, Jeremy Krakowski, who has spearheaded the remarketing side of advertising our business and has worked very closely with these ad companies to get you the best deal on using remarketing ads ads to create profits using this $10-a-day system that I'm going to show you in this class!Beyond that, Jeremy himself has his own success story using Facebook ads: Jeremy was actually one of the first people to test out the Facebook ads manager in 2009 (even before we used it at A Real Change for our company ads) working part time on a small budget, he himself sold auto insurance online to the tune of multiple 6-figures, using a smartphone to manage these ads, with just an hour a day of work. You probably can see now why I hired him to be our Media Director, huh? 🙂

[vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/199501667/e402bb3dd7″ align=”center”]

In this class Jeremy will be joining me in teaching:

  • How to set up your first remarketing campaign
  • How to install the tracking pixel on your website
  • Some of the best sales copy we tested for our ads
  • Common pitfalls to watch for when doing remarketing ads
  • How to limit track and monitor every sales conversion
  • How to generate leads or sales using remarketing ads
  • The best strategies to use when starting your first remarketing campaign
  • How to test multiple ads for remarketing to find which ones produce the most sales (it's different than normal facebook testing because you're limited by how many impressions you can show per person per day).
  • How to create speak directly to your customer and read their mind in your remarketing ads.


   Your Video Class Details: 

Date: NOW! Your video class is instant delivery to your email

How: Video Broadcast With Screen Sharing You Can Use Anywhere!

Includes: All video recordings to add to your learning library


ALL NEW CONTENT! Includes Remarketing Ads!

Please note: There are several people in the marketplace that I have taught personally how to build their page and do Facebook ads who are offering similar classes. I have personally purchased their products and am very sad to say they left out so much because they really have no clue what they are doing beyond the preliminary steps. DO NOT settle for second hand bottom of the barrel feeding for your business! I've been doing PPC ads for 18 years and am eager to teach you FIRST HAND my personal secrets.


1 EZ Payment Of $ 77.00

$1997 VALUE!!!


Sandi’s 100% Personal Guarantee!
This comes with my *no-risk, 60 day unconditional money back guarantee*. I am so convinced that you will have results be satisfied with this class, I’m willing to take the risk of letting you attend the entire class, and then decide if it was for you. *There is NOTHING to lose!*
guaranteed Facebook Marketing For Business: Attract More Leads, Connect With More Clients And Build A Marketing Plan Through Facebook
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average attendee/purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.