Technorati Media Digital Influence Report

Why Facebook Is The "New Giant" In The Direct Response Marketing World

Recent studies reveal that Facebook is the #1 advertising platform being used among social networks. It's no suprise that brands are spending their money on Facebook because of the ability that Facebook offers to highly target clients.

We've built our Facebook page to over 145,000 people in under 14 months. Please take note:  We currently reach more than 3.5 MILLION people weekly with our page.  The first 100,000 people we serve grew in one year. The additional 45,000 in the last 10 weeks.

Sandi Krakowski Facebook Page Data


How is this beneficial to the small business owner?

Years ago you would buy a magazine ad that targeted your ideal client. If you had enough money in your budget, you might also go for radio, flyers, direct mail and even television. Today, you can place ads on Facebook that TARGET specific magazines people read, televison shows they're rating as their favorites and more!

Finding your ideal clients and what they're doing online has never been easier. They are active, giving their opinions, sharing what they like and dislike on Facebook.

Recently, Technorati Media's 2013 Digital Influence Report has found that 57 percent of social media budgets are now allocated toward Facebook with YouTube and Twitter only receiving 13 percent. Let that sink in, please. 57% going to FACEBOOK!

It's important to understand that even recent changes in Twitter advertising panels show that Facebook is the mold breaker and the new media director. Twitter is now offering keyword targeting and more.

It is my prediction that we'll see Facebook and Twitter ads outpace all other forms of advertising online in the next 12-16 months. Goodbye Google ads! Goodbye banner ads! Goodbye goodbye! Mark my words. There is not one niche or business on the planet that couldn't benefit from PPC ads. If the clients and customers are on Facebook, it's time to advertise.

Think even broader: Governmental campaigns, influencing the world for good, bringing change where most people are all day long. Facebook is the platform, on the mountain of media to pay attention to in 2013-2015 specifically. 

For some fun on this topic- watch this clip from a recent event we did here in Dallas, TX where I speak about the "new giant" on the block who is leading the trail in the direct response marketing world! You can see the video pinned to the top of my Facebook page. Enjoy!   

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With love,

Sandi Krakowski