Facebook Marketing For ANY Business Or Ministry!

WOW what a crazy few days I've just lived through! Many of you know I hopped on a plane with about a 2 week notice to go visit with some folks from The International House Of Prayer in Kansas City. But what happened after that was TRULY remarkable…

After spending considerable time in meetings that were 2 hours on Wednesday, 10 hours of TRAINING on Thursday and another 4 hours with leaders on Friday, it became VERY apparent to the leadership team of Mike Bickle and staff that social media was not only a VERY effective tool for reaching the world with, but Facebook Marketing SPECIFICALLY was something they were very serious about getting very good at.

Look at the picture above!! My friends…. Daniel Lim, one of the top executives of IHOP-KC is what you would call the polar opposite of me! But we have a common focus and heart for people. He just got back from the biggest most eventful trip of his life to China! Me? I am a master at Facebook. Together, we can do MORE than we can alone!

THIS IS my passion!! Helping ANYONE reach the world with their message!

You see, when God has given you a message, you are on assignment and you begin to realize that ALL  of society is using Facebook all day long, it's easy to then see that ANY marketing message you could EVER have needs to be on that platform.

Do you run a business?

Or maybe you run a ministry with 1000+ staff like Mike does in Kansas City! 

Are you VERY serious about serving this generation, helping the poor, creating jobs, paying off your own debt, becoming MORE than you have ever been  before? Than I have just a few words for you.  


On June 26, 2013 we did a LIVE 2 hour call that more than 38,000 people have now listened to. Here is the call: http://www.arealchange.com/blog/facebook  SINCE that call more than 45,000 people have joined our Facebook page (in 30 days!) and things are growing incredibly!

372 new members in four weeks in Inner Circle!  With more than 835 members total this is the TOP ACCESS PLACE to my training, to me personally one on one and to the best group of people you will ever have the honor to work with on your projects.

During the month of July we have been covering Facebook marketing, PPC ads, Facebook pages and more.  

Going into August, I'm continuing our topic on Facebook marketing and helping people to go even further with:

  • How to increase your engagement BEYOND just ads
  • How to get photos, videos and posts to go viral ON DEMAND
  • Where to place your video ads strategically so that they get shared quickly
  • When to sell something through a video on Facebook and when NOT to
  • Writing ads that convert with PPC reviews and critiques
  • Hashtags on Facebook and WHY you should use them
  • Hashtag nonsense and why MOST people are not using them right
  • Launching products, services and events on Facebook
and MORE!

Are you ready?  Come on in!! We're here to help!


With love,

Sandi Krakowski

Sandi Krakowski Find Your Voice and Your Purpose