Facebook Etiquette 101

Facebook Pages Etiquette 101

#Facebookpages Etiquette 101: Your business page or ministry page is JUST LIKE a storefront.
If you would not allow someone to come into your storefront, drink your coffee all day, bad mouth your other clients and spew their vomit all over the floor, than don't allow it on your page. There is a BLOCK AND BAN and REPORT feature for a reason. (More on that topic: http://arealchange.tv/2012/11/episode-35-how-to-handle-facebook-trolls-nutburgers-and-spammers/)

While I believe in good Biblical counseling and recommend it to EVERYONE, but on your page- do not give therapy. That's not what a business page is for. Encourage, direct and help someone get help locally or send to a person qualified to help. You can't be all to everyone.

If you are not a medical doctor, it is against FTC guidelines to give medical advice even if you think you are super smart. I was healed of multiple diseases and believe very much in natural therapy, prayer and the body, soul, mind & spirit connection. But I won't use my business page to tell someone what to do for their health as there are TOO MANY variables involved. TEST don't guess. I got all my insights from tests: saliva, blood, urine, hair. A combination of allopathic and natropathic doctors helped me. NOT someone giving me a remedy on a Facebook page in one quick post.

I am saying these with love and also with seriousness. BUILD a business page. Get hundreds of thousands of people interacting. But be wise. Be smart. Block those who need to be. Put them out of their misery when they can't find the unlike button.

Interact with people. LOVE them. Take the time. But realize NONE OF US is that important. None of us can be everything to everyone. Even Jesus took time away to be with the Father. As I am reaching 50 years old next year, I've come to understand there is time to do the work God called me to and rest, fun and prayer are just as important as action.

I love you guys and it's SUCH an honor to serve you daily!






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