Kobe Bear

Loving Our Customers And Some Of Our Favorite Furry Friends!

Recently, when our puppy Kobe Bear was diagnosed with Diabetes, we had more than 2000 comments on my FB page and on InstaGram praying for him and encouraging us. It was SUCH a blessing to be a part of something way bigger than business! Having so many friends is a real gift from God.  Your kind words helped us so much and Kobe is doing SO GOOD! We are forever grateful!

Kobe Bear Krakowski

To show that gratitude we decided to hold an official, "A Real Change Cutest Pet Contest!"  The winners would be featured with their pet, a funny story and their website. Below, meet our top three winners!


Ajah B


Mandy B Anderson and Ajah B

Website: www.mandybanderson.com


Funny story: When Ajah B. was six months old we brought her over to my parents house for a movie night. The family room had 2 love seats, a long couch and a chair all lined up like a long "L" shape. My dad was sitting in the chair and Ajah was sitting on the couch by herself. She wanted to get off the couch and sit with my Dad, but she wasn't sure how to jump down on her own, so she started pawing and whining at my dad to pick her up. He would just look at her and say "shhhh!" This went on for several minutes – Ajah would paw and whine, my dad would answer "shhhh!" Finally Ajah hopped up onto her back legs in one swift motion and barked at him; then she looked sternly at me as if to say "Mom, aren't you going to DO something about this?!" We all laughed hysterically as Ajah's princess personality shined bright that night. She's been the queen of the castle ever since, and we love her dearly!





Kristin Higgins and Red

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Powerup7com/271127486353944?fref=ts

Funny story about Red:

Before we get to the funny story about Red, I’d like to tell  you a quick story about why we picked his name. Until last August, our family of 7 lived in a 900 square foot 2br condo for 8 years!   After much patience, prayer, and a leap of faith, we finally moved into a 4,000 square foot, six bedroom dream house, with a 40,000 gallon salt water pool!  With a new house and a new puppy, we knew we wanted an extra reminder of God's miracle in our life.  The story of Moses and the parting of the Red Sea reminds us that with God all things are possible!

Speaking of Red, he loves apples and carrots!  In fact, as soon as he hears the sound of the fruit drawer opening,  he rushes over for his fair share.  He learned how to come, sit, give paw, lie down, and roll over using apple and carrot pieces as rewards!  


Amanda K Jones and  Stanley Stuart

Your website: http://www.amandakjones.com

A funny story about your pet: Our cat Stanley is very dog-like. He comes

when called, makes a huge mess of the water dish, lies flat on his belly

with his rear legs spread out like a frog, and loves to be brushed or

combed. The other cats in the house seem a bit confused by his alternative

lifestyle and have tried explaining to him on several occasions that it's

not cool to be a dog. But Stanley doesn't really seem to care. As long as

there's someone available to pat him on the head (or scratch him on the

bum), life is good!

Thank you EVERYONE! With love,

Sandi Krakowski

Sandi Krakowski, Facebook Marketing Expert