Champion #BEMORE

Are you always feeling BEHIND?! or that you need to CATCH UP because you're lost & somehow got behind?

The big issue is NOT catching up but being faithful where you are.

"Catching Up" is a term that athletes use but as someone who was a professional athlete for a season I'll tell you that I NEVER caught back up… I just went back strong and moved ahead faster!

Just do your best. Do your best everyday. Ask yourself daily, "AM I REALLY DOING MY BEST." If the answer is yes, than be at peace.

Do not compete. Do not stress. Do not worry. Be your best and keep moving forward. THIS is how a champion is made!

"The Champions Creed"

I take full responsibility for my rising & for my falling.
I don't beat myself up nor do I beat up others.
When I make decisions I live with the results & don't play a victim.

With the power that is within me I seek above all things wisdom & discernment.
I fly high & sometimes I crash but the total race is the goal, not just one episode.

I know when to push & I know when to pull back.
I give it my all & I love others even when they don't.

I am a Champion! My strongest words are I did great & I'll do better next time!  

Step UP! BE more! BE the Champion our world needs today!

With love,
