When is the last time you heard the old adage in marketing, “Find a need and fill it- you’ll have income for a lifetime!

Do you realize how outdated this training is?

When is the last time you saw someone shell out $ 25,000 for something they NEED?

In today’s economy of recession and depression propaganda most people are not focusing on what they need. They are not trying to get a second job to get the things they need. They are NOT seeking a third credit card to get the things they need.  Ladies and gentleman this might come as a shock to you – but most people in today’s marketplace are busting their behinds for things they want!

Find a want to fill and you’ll never run out of customers!

When we market our services or products we need to focus on several things. We want to solve a problem and we want to do it so uniquely that no one can resist what we have.  But more importantly- we want to focus on a WANT that people are striving for- and we want to solve the BIG PROBLEM that is preventing them from getting what they want.  That my friend is what a huge successful company is not only built upon, but what will keep it in business for a long time!

If you are servicing people with business opportunities….. the weight loss, the travel, the makeup, purses, shoes, whatever it is that your company markets is NOT what people want when they purchase your products from you. What they WANT is to feel alive, independent, free, without rules or constraints- and your products enable them to FEEL and EXPERIENCE what they want.

When we look at this it’s now easier to understand why marketing FEATURES doesn’t make anyone millions- marketing the BENEFITS that our society is craving is what huge companies are built around!

If I want to quit smoking is it really nicotine my heart and body is trying to break free from?  NO!  It’s the pain of being in bondage to a little flaming item that is preventing me from being able to breathe! and is robbing my life of the many years I deserve and desire! Market freedom to breathe to me and freedom from addiction- I’ll buy!

If I want to be able to travel all over the world is it really a great price on a plane ticket that I am craving?  NO!  It’s the freedom to do what I want , when I want to , without fear or worry of expenses, limitations, constraints or even rules! If you market freedom of choice and freedom to live to me- I’d most likely buy your travel voucher!

Find a want- and fill it!  and the more wants you help me to get…. the more money you will make!

If you don’t know how to write sales copy that markets to your prospects wants- and you don’t have a track record of earning $ 35,000 on a 5 day email campaign to a list that is only 6000 people-  I’d love to help you with your marketing today!

Sandi Krakowski, Copy with Results!