We start TODAY!!!

More than 345 people people are joining me in our Inner Circle where I'm leading a beginner's course on how to start your business out right.

Are you a "Beginning" Business owner or someone with a dream in your heart to build your own place online that can produce not only an income for you, but the kind of lifestyle you've been dreaming of?

Do you feel like you're just starting out and have NO CLUE what your niche is, whether to sell a product or service, if you want to do physical products or maybe you just want to do digital information products? I can help!

With my 15 year track record and having personally sold hundreds of thousands of physical products, digital products, services and more I want to GIVE BACK to those of you who are just starting out!

I have a SPECIAL CLASS just for you that starts in less than 48 hours!

JOIN ME for 30 days where I will be going through the "Basics Of Business Online And Finding Your Niche".  What is it you are really good at? What could you actually make money at doing?

This class is ALSO for you if you thought you knew your niche but your profits are not coming in like you had hoped. Maybe you sell a best-selling product another company created but you have no CLUE how to set yourself apart in the Marketplace.

I can help.

There are currently over 345 + people in this group and many more are being added daily. You will NOT BE ALONE!

It's a safe place to learn and a great place to spend the next month.

Let's create a DEBT FREE CHRISTMAS together!

Join me now… 


WIth love,

Sandi Krakowski


If THEY could do it- so can you!

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When I first started coaching with Sandi and PJ 5 months ago, I was working what seemed like all the time.  I had lost my focus,  my discipline and I didn't have a plan for my business.   My children felt that once again, my job had come first.  And, I wasn't seeing the growth that I had expected to see for the amount of time that I had invested in my career.  I had lost confidence in myself and what I was doing and had set goals that belonged to others; not goals that allowed me to achieve the life that I wanted to live.


Since I began one on one coaching with Sandi and PJ, my marriage is better, my relationship with my children is better and when I work, I work and when I play, I play.  Sandi and PJ have been honest and direct with me, guiding me be my best possible self. 

Even though I'm working less, my business has grown.  I'm using the tools taught by Sandi and PJ to meet new people online, by using social media and blogging and haven't had to pick up the phone once.  This has be lifesaver for a busy mom, like me. 


I'm truly grateful for the opportunity to be mentored and coached by Sandi and PJ. They have been instrumental in changing my life in so many ways. Laura Kelly-Pifer  

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When I first started coaching with Sandi & PJ 7 months ago, I was working 80hr/week, had a weakened marriage, & a child who despised my business. Even though I was making a good living, it was at the expense of my family and I was miserable. I was traveling monthly and spending a lot of time away from home.
Over the course of the past 7 months, my situation has changed considerably. Under Sandi & PJ's guidance, I've reframed how I look at life and where my business fits in. Their honesty, foresight, and knowledge have been invaluable to me.
As a result, I'm now only working 30 hrs/week, my 21-yr marriage is stronger than ever, and my child no longer resents when I work. We've had 3 family vacations this year and are planning another one in a few weeks.
Even though I'm working less, my business has flourished. We are coming off of the slowest quarter of the year for my industry, yet I brought more coaches onto my team and served more people during this period than ever before! The best part is that I spent ZERO time on the phone finding these people. Using skills that Sandi taught me, these people sought ME out online!
I'm truly grateful for the mentorship & coaching provided by these two wonderful people."
Rochelle Griffin




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I'm 16 and very thankful to have had a VIP session with Sandi. After meeting, I was able to start my own virtual assisting business and blog. I love serving my clients and having a path to continually design a life I was made to live. 
Bethany Looi 


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I've been working with Sandi and PJ for two years now, and I just keep growing on all levels!!  During the past 9 months, my income has already doubled over last year and I still only work 5-10 hours per week.  Working with Sandi and PJ has not only transformed my business, but my entire life–from the thoughts I think, to the way I interact with every person I come in contact with-I am a renewed person!

Kayla Howard 

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"As a mother of twelve children who is still homeschooling five of them, you can imagine that the time set aside for my business is limited.  When I started working with Sandi Krakowski and PJ McClure two years ago, I didn't believe in myself or my business and I constantly found excuses for not getting things done.  Fast forward:  my list has grown more than TEN TIMES bigger and my Facebook Page has generated 1,400 likes in just a few months.  The engagement on my Page stays at 30-40% (according to experts, an engagement rate of 1% is good for a Facebook Page!).  In that two years my information products have grown from one to a dozen, with more to come soon.  I've gone from occasional, sporadic newsletters to consistent twice-weekly issues.  But the biggest change has been in ME.  My personal growth and confidence have skyrocketed since working with both Sandi and PJ.  Their tough but loving mentoring has led to many personal breakthroughs.  It's almost been like healthy, life-changing therapy!  The changes in me have allowed me to serve and encourage others in ways that I never thought I would.  I wholeheartedly recommend any mentoring program offered by A Real Change, because it WILL make a real difference in your life and business!"
Charlotte Siems



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Starting a business was the easy part. What I understand now, but didn't 5 years ago starting out, was what leaders meant when they told me in order to grow a bigger business, I had to grow. Growing a business has been a lot like raising a child.

Anne Dovel

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I've been learning the world of online business from Sandi in various capacities since June of 2010 when I participated in her WP for Business Owners live class.  At that time, I was transitioning from full time employment as a communications professional in the city to living a long-held dream of rural life and home-based business… and was pretty overwhelmed about how I was going to make it all work.  I wanted to be home for my son, and to have him grow up closer to nature – and to his grandparents.  Prior to 'finding' Sandi, I'd spent literally thousands of dollars training with other online business trainers that left me more skilled, but also more confused.

Now, just two years later, by investing in my future with continually more challenging ARC coaching programs and classes, I've:  launched my dream blog at modernhomesteading.ca, started writing blogs at two major online magazines, left my full time employment to work full time from home in the world of WordPress design and development, gained flexibility and freedom, and have become much more skilled in my craft.  Since working with Sandi and PJ as a team in the Ruby coaching program in 2012, it's only gotten better:  with PJ, I've managed to eliminate a good chunk of the 'head crap' that was holding me back from putting myself out there and offering my services to the world, and with Sandi I've learned to focus on what I do best and what people really need, and bringing two sides of my life together in a really elegant way that, quite frankly, I'm more and more excited about every single day.  I'm calmer, more centered, much more productive, and life just seems to flow so much better.  And  I finally launched my WordPress business site!

Without them, I know I'd still be spinning my wheels instead of feeling like things are about to take off in a very big way.  In fact, they already have.  And for that, I'm very grateful indeed…  Victoria Gazeley


Bette Hamby

"" I 'stumbled' across this person that several of my friends were following. That person was Sandi Krakowski. I thought, "what is so special about this person that my friends are following her and quoting her"? I checked out Sandi's website and FB page. I was blown away by what she was saying! One of my first phone calls to join in on was her interviewing Guy Kawasaki. I was struck at how bold she was and the wisdom that was coming across the phone lines…I was writing notes as quickly as I could get them down. I immediately signed up for the 30 Day Blogging tips. From there I advance ordered her book "Read Their Minds". I forgot that I had advance ordered it so I ordered it a second time and then grabbed the free Kindle version that was offered. I registered for several of the special calls. I signed up and attended the "The Divine Call of God on Business" conference in Dallas, and told my daughter about it and she signed up and came with me. That even was amazing – I could hardly believe the 'movers and shakers' that were in that room with me. Again I jotted down as many notes as I could. I have never attended a BUSINESS conference that was so much about God in your business. I signed up for the Emerald Membership and have devoured the newsletters. One of my favorite articles by Sandi so far, was in Issue No. 10, "Poverty In The Mind Of A Business Owner". I listened in on an Emerald Membership call and the topic was the Facebook page. I made several of the changes that Sandi talked about. The results were amazing! In my Insights area, my Friends of Fans increased to 1500% – yes I said 1500%. I could hardly believe my eyes! I have recommended Sandi Krakowski to several friends. In the past year my drive to be who God created me to be has never been greater. I think and respond to others differently than before my pre-Sandi days. God used Sandi Krakowski to change my life and my business! I am forever grateful to God for bringing me in contact with Sandi!!


Ange' Anglade

"" I started reading your articles and watching Areal Change TV about a month ago after being lead down the wrong direction. There was no way I was going to give up on my message, my business which has helped women create a fabulous diet free lifestyle. I immediately started to implement your recommendations and the rest is history. I couldn't believe that in just a few short weeks, I have seen results not only in my presence online but in my life. I have recently joined the Inner Circle and loving. Continue to be a blessing. Thanks, Ange


Jennifer Stoviak Walsh

"" I have three adorable girls and work full time. I'm lucky and have a wonderful job and life but have other creative ideas and aspirations that I crave to pursue. You have helped me take a couple steps in the right direction where the last few years I've stayed still thinking it was selfish to prioritize myself over the family by spending time and/or money elsewhere. I am going to your show in a couple weeks. I can't WAIT!! I'm also going to a meetup tonight regarding WordPress and how to do it (which I heard about from you as well.) It's amazing how someone you have never met can impact your life. Thank you.

"Plugging into Sandi Krakowski's Coaching has been one of the best decisions in my life. She has given me a simple, easy to follow plan for success.  Because of her Coaching, I had my first 6 figure year and was able to hire staff to help me expand even further!  I'm excited for what the future holds!" Thank you so much Sandi! 

 Jimmy Hays Nelson 

When I first started coaching with Sandi and PJ 5 months ago, I was working what seemed like all the time.  I had lost my focus,  my discipline and I didn't have a plan for my business.   My children felt that once again, my job had come first.  And, I wasn't seeing the growth that I had expected to see for the amount of time that I had invested in my career.  I had lost confidence in myself and what I was doing and had set goals that belonged to others; not goals that allowed me to achieve the life that I wanted to live.

Since I began one on one coaching with Sandi and PJ, my marriage is better, my relationship with my children is better and when I work, I work and when I play, I play.  Sandi and PJ have been honest and direct with me, guiding me be my best possible self. 

Even though I'm working less, my business has grown.  I'm using the tools taught by Sandi and PJ to meet new people online, by using social media and blogging and haven't had to pick up the phone once.  This has be lifesaver for a busy mom, like me. 

I'm truly grateful for the opportunity to be mentored and coached by Sandi and PJ. They have been instrumental in changing my life in so many ways. Laura Kelly Pifer 
When I first started coaching with Sandi & PJ 7 months ago, I was working 80hr/week, had a weakened marriage, & a child who despised my business. Even though I was making a good living, it was at the expense of my family and I was miserable. I was traveling monthly and spending a lot of time away from home.
Over the course of the past 7 months, my situation has changed considerably. Under Sandi & PJ's guidance, I've reframed how I look at life and where my business fits in. Their honesty, foresight, and knowledge have been invaluable to me.
As a result, I'm now only working 30 hrs/week, my 21-yr marriage is stronger than ever, and my child no longer resents when I work. We've had 3 family vacations this year and are planning another one in a few weeks.
Even though I'm working less, my business has flourished. We are coming off of the slowest quarter of the year for my industry, yet I brought more coaches onto my team and served more people during this period than ever before! The best part is that I spent ZERO time on the phone finding these people. Using skills that Sandi taught me, these people sought ME out online!
I'm truly grateful for the mentorship & coaching provided by these two wonderful people. 
Rochelle Griffin

Jamie Straight

"" I am on day six with the 30 Day Make Money with Your Blog. I am just starting to build my website and am following your advice every step of the way. Your emails and social media posts are motivational and I just love your positive energy. I am very grateful to have found you and look forward to building my business with your products and training.


Linda-Sunny Troup

"" I found you through Amazon.com when looking for business books for my Kindle. I've been HOOKED ever since. I've signed up for the GPS Summit, taken WP 1 and WP II, Your 7 Day WP Blast, Email writing, pay per click, the 30 day blog training. And we only "met" about 2 months ago! Right now I'm listening to Social Media the Fun Way every spare minute I have (driving to work, relaxing in the evening, and even on the elliptical at the gym). I've shared your information with everyone that has an interest in growing their business. Because of you and your wonderful, empowering teaching I've built a pretty nice website in WordPress and on launching day I had product orders right off the bat and someone I never even spoke to about my products signed up as a distributor! I'm following your every word and am getting REAL results! I'd love for you to see my site Sandi and let me know what you think. www.TouchNpaws.com. Thank you for EVERYTHING!


Gerry Black

"" Like many people, I started with 30 Day Make Money With Your Blog. Lots of great counsel that I put to use wherever I could. Then I took advantage of Social Media Cash Conversion. Again, great content that has really been helpful and insightful. Finally, I bought List Building. Frankly, I now have access to so much of your knowledge, I am now focused on the Learn & Activate sticker I keep taped to the lower right hand corner of my laptop keyboard. All this knowledge isn't much use if I don't use it. Once I do that, I"ll definitely be back for more. Thanks Sandi! – Gerry Black, Canada