What do you call a 20 year old who markets Fortune 500 affiliate campaigns like he owns his own lead generating company?


Having worked online for the last 12 years I have seen so many ways to generate leads most times I am not impressed when someone comes up with a ‘new plan’.  Partly because I probably already know what they are doing and sadly- because alot of lead generation is down right illegal.

Lead generation is a huge multi-million if not billion dollar company. One of my goals into 2009 is to form my own lead generation company- but my motivator is not so much the profits as it is the need for a new process.

Sadly, most people who call themselves lead providers are simply resellers sucking in the profits selling lists of names and emails more times than is even legal.  We wonder why “Can Spam” was created?

But recently- as my son was visiting for the holidays, he talked to me about a side business he’s been working. He works as a video producer for a business training company and is exposed to alot of creative ideas in business.  So when he decided to just ‘supplement’ his already very generous income he thought affiliate marketing would be a great idea. Just one catch- he isn’t marketing like an affiliate marketer.

He is generating over 250 leads per day on 5 cent ads! and earning on average        $ 450 per day in profits!

Using creativity he approached his affiliate marketing business like a business and looked for unconventional ways to generate leads.  Knowing that most people will do almost anything to get something FREE- he added his own personal bonus to his lead capture page.  Writing an ebook in under just 2 days, he offers those who fill out the ‘free offers’ the companies are giving an ebook just for their participation.

Here’s where it gets very unconventional- he created a video where he personally tells his prospects what to do!  He put an unpolished, unscripted video of himself at a desk welcoming his prospect, encouraging them that they’ll not only love the free bonus’ the companies are offering, the free offers they are  wanting, etc- but he ALSO tells them I will give you my free ebook that SHOWS you how to do ‘such and such’. ( I am not going to share with you his niche because it’s so untapped that he generates on average $ 450 with just $ 50 in ads each day thru Google pay per click.)

Talk about unconventional?!  He is using video instruction, free upsell bonus, pay per click ads AND he is turning the heads of Fortune 500 companies by his approach that they are now offering HIM bonus’ to market their free offers!

Do something unconventional to generate leads!

Think out of the box right now. What is one unconventional, not typically used method that you could use for your business online that might be the ticket to generating leads?

Recently I began to work at a company part time that hired me in as the Marketing Manager of their two direct marketing companies. Let me just say they were using so many ‘by the book’ conventional methods to run their business it was BORRRRING with a capital “B”!   Well, when the profits of an already existing 8 year old company that they had purchased began to slip- they hired me in to generate leads, traffic and ultimately more sales.

I put into motion several unconventional methods to generate the leads, speak to the prospects and run their promtions. The last I checked we had a $ 20,000 profit in under 36 hours and that has never happened in the history of this already $ 650,000 company! I also ran an email promotion that generated over $ 15,790 in sales thru just a promotion by email. No phone calls, no prospecting, no hard sales!

So when you hear ‘down turn’ or ‘recession’ or ‘economy crash’ my answer is simple:  What unconventional method could you come up with tomorrow to build your business.  Take the example of an affiliate marketing 20 year old that is generating $ 13,000 per month part time using methods that big companies use.

Profit in a down time with unconventional means- it works!

Sandi Krakowski
