A Generation Of Genius People Who Don't Fit In
Many people think it would be fun, romantic and even desirable to be a genius. I’ve heard people in my classes say, “That would be nice, having a photographic memory and being able to process so much information at one time!” But if you or someone you love is a genius, or let me break it down even further, has asperger, autistic or idiot savant tendencies, you know it’s not a walk in the park. It can be downright challenging every single day.
I never realized that God had wired me with a photographic memory until I was in my forties. It used to torment me how I could NOT remove visual pictures from my brain. Having a mind that takes constant pictures and likes to replay them in fast succession over and over again was disturbing as a kid! Face it, I saw things that NO ONE should ever see. As a young girl I was sexually abused by the time I was 3. To this day, those horrible images are still as clear as day. While they don’t torment me or haunt me anymore, as a young girl it was hard. When I became an adult and realized that GOD had given me a powerful gift, I learned how to ‘dismiss’ the pictures I didn’t want to retain and how to not pay attention to everything that flittered through my mind.
People who are extremely smart are oftentimes labeled as ‘extreme’ or even moody. Even the word ‘idiot savant’ is horrific. Who the heck wants to be labeled as an IDIOT?! But physiologically and emotionally, an idiot savant is a gift to the world. They are so brilliant in a few areas of life that common tasks are not so common to them. You can sometimes identify these people because they can do calculus, for example, in their head, but the common courtesies of a relationship are lacking. They might be a protege’ in music, but understanding simple courtesies like looking into someone’s eyes when they speak, opening a door for a woman, smiling and not walking around in an intense stare all day is just not common knowledge to them. They might argue with a police officer at the 'justice' of a situation and overlook common laws of the land. 😉
My father could do calculus in his head. He did intense calculations and problems in his head, without paper or a calculator. My brother and he did contests at the dinner table seeing who could come up with the 'answer' to the problem the fastest, without paper or any other tools! I come from a long line of smart people. My uncle ran several businesses, so did my dad. My aunt was a multimillionare in real estate. My other aunt was the superintendent of the entire Detroit Public School system. But sadly, my childhood was filled with impoverished thoughts of 'we will never have enough', terror, abuse and fear. It wasn't until I went through some intense healing sessions with a group of incredibly gifted people, that I thanked GOD for my blood line and made it my mission to repair all that was broken, and to be a blessing to the world.
I never knew my dad ran a successful business until years later I would hear he was trained at The Detroit School Of Business by the Dale Carnegie organization. I had no clue he was very wise with finances until I later discovered he managed things so well that while my Mom didn't have a lot left to her upon his death, he did leave her debt free, with a nice savings of $40,000 that would pay her monthly, with wise investments, for the rest of her life. I often wonder what my childhood would have been like if my dad had permission to be his genius self and he didn't work so hard he drove himself into a grave prematurely. I dream about him being free to be a genius and not living in a situation where people constantly judged him, with a wife who didn't understand his gifts. I now stand in the gap for my children, and release over them all that God gave us in our bloodline. (If you don't have any idea what your blood line is filled with, start asking questions. Pray. Take good notes. You might be very surprised!)
When I say sarcastically to people that I have 5 brains and they all think different thoughts at one time, I am not joking. I can teach a class on how to do ads and prepare my grocery list and think about my schedule at work and even remind myself to finish that article and what to do in the content of the article all at the same time. Now I realize that saying this out loud and publishing this for everyone to read is quite risky. But I didn’t build my career on fitting into other people’s boxes or expectations, so I really don’t care. If it makes someone judge me or post a snide comment on my blog, that’s their deal and their story they are upholding. I don’t have to be a part of that.
Most genius people are very prophetic. They sense the spirit realm and many times see it very clearly. Some see the spirit realm as clearly as they do the natural world. That’s not me. I have seen angels before. I tend to see things out of the corner of my eye or in light images. I saw an angel in my home in Indiana once, like plain day. He was sitting on the fireplace. HA! I was terrified. Next time I'll ask him (or her) why they are there! But that was a one time occurrence, not an every day happening. Even discussing this out loud is risky, isn’t it? But I could care less because there are thousands of you who are now crying because someone said out loud what you experience every single day. You've spent your entire life thinking that you are weird, manic depressive or broken, when in reality, YOU are a genius and gifted by God.
Yes, yes, I understand. Don’t write me about legitimate cases of manic depression and schizophrenia. I realize they are real and I also know that brain trauma and certain diseases can cause the central nervous system to have delusions and hallucinations. Yes, I get it. Some drugs can put people into an altered state. That is not what I am talking about. I’m writing about people who are gifts to the world. The genius’ out there.
Being a genius or having an extreme talent or skill can bring tension. Many of these people feel heightened emotions all day long. EVERY thing is intense. Every question, comment or even thought in a normal conversation can feel like an interrogation if people don’t know how to relate to these people. Sadly, this is why many genius’ isolate themselves. I sat behind a computer for more than 12 years. My talent hiding. My genius, making millions of dollars. But when I came out from behind the computer and began to talk out loud about these gifts, talents and abilities God gave me, I met hundreds of thousands of other people who are also very very gifted who were hiding.
I can play music and carry a tune without even knowing what the note is called. I tried one time to learn music theory but it made my brain and my body hurt. When I was in the third grade, I picked up a guitar and just began to play beautifully. I could listen to a song and play it in minutes. My three sons are kind of the same way. Jeremy plays piano, Justin plays guitar and Bobby plays the drums. Jeremy had a little bit of piano training but by the end of his first year he was in the seventh year book and got bored. HAHA. Justin learned on his own and with videos online. Today he loves to lead worship and is an exceptional guitarist. He's looking for a church in Kansas City where he can do that. He loved leading in Indiana. Bobby plays drums at one of the most impactful churches in the world. My goal with my children in our years of homeschooling was simple: lead them in their power, release their gifts and bless God for how HE made them unique. I wasn't a perfect mom. Yikes. Far from it. But this one thing I did do well- I let them #BEMORE.
I always told my kids that I could care less how talented they were, how many straight A’s they got and how ‘gifted’ they were, when I was schooling them. My focus was their heart and their relationships with other people. I always told them I could care less if they were the smartest person in the world, if they didn’t honor others, love God and serve the world, I was not celebrating. Equally, if they had little talent, didn’t do anything exceptionally or even struggled in certain areas. I could care less. If they loved others, loved God and served the world, I was happy! Some of you parents need to rethink how you’re pushing your kids. If they are talented and their attitude needs to go back to the sewer where it came from, it’s time to start teaching AND modeling love. If they have no exceptional gifts, but love others, love God and are servants, praise and celerbate them!
Is it so uncommon or rare to be a genius?
I really don’t think so. It was just another category to section people off into by the psychological industry. It’s sad isn’t it? We want to ‘categorize people here’ and ‘box them off there” when GOD in His infinite wisdom made us ALL unique and He celebrates how different we are. If we all began to walk in love and unity and harmony we’d see radical world change and incredible shift in how we relate to each other. But I digress, that’s another topic.
If you own a business it’s important to learn to work with very talented people. They will be a blessing to you and their skill will be very profitable and beneficial to your growth! But just know this, they might not fit into your comfy box for how people behave. These people like to be alone and they like to be with people. They shift quickly between environments. I LOVE being with my clients on our classes. It’s a dream come true to me to plan out our book tour with 10 cities and seeing hundreds of thousands of people. But if I don’t get my ALONE time everyday, I get really cranky. If I am not able to unwind and unplug BETWEEN classes and meetings, I get foggy. My schedule is created with several 15-30 minute breaks for me to just unplug. Sometimes I lay down for 15 minutes. Other times I put on my headphones and worship for 30 minutes. Knowing how to work with people is the key. Working with the ‘wiggle’ with genius kids is important and it’s worth every effort you have to put forth.
Are you someone who is intense and gifted and you struggle fitting in?
My word for you today is this: STOP trying to fit into man’s boundaries, boxes and systems. Be free. BE you. Be loving, kind and honoring to others. Be patient when people don’t understand things as quickly as you do. Be understanding when others don’t take everything as seriously as you do. Do your part to create diversity in harmony. THIS generation has so many genius people and it’s time to stop medicating them, rejecting them and pushing them aside. THEY ARE our future and they hold keys to revolutionary breakthrough in medicine, IT, business, finance and more.
We need each other. I hope my rambling and journal-like entry here helps someone. I believe faith works, at work, and being transparent like this is where it starts.
With love,
Sandi Krakowski