Maybe you were given this pitch when you in grade school just like I was. If you were a girl in the 60's it wasn't typically directed to you but regardless, you heard it growing up.

"Go to college, get a good job and be set for life."

So let me ask you something- what is missing from this message?

What does college promise anyways that assures you of a good job and a set for life living?

Face it- colleges are Direct Sales companies that sell a future and promise an income. They have been doing pretty good with their direct response marketing! 

Even recently the leaders of our nation sold the notion that if you were out of work the best thing you could do to secure a better future was to go back to college. They offered to pay for it. I don't recall however where they promised to pay for your groceries, your mortgage and your expenses while you were learning your way down the yellow brick road.

Are you fed up with the message?  Then keep reading.

Get Rid Of The College To Corporate America Mindset Once And For All.  If that message intrigues you than you'll be tickled pink to see my new University that is opening.

Click here to read more.

My son was homeschooled his entire life. He started working with and for me at the age of 12. He is now 22 years old and earned over $ 350,000 last year in his little part time business of internet marketing. He did this while he worked 40 hours per week for someone else. 

Are you interested in that kind of security?

Grab your keys to the online vault of success…. it's right here.

I believe in you!  Think differently and you'll live differently as well!

Sandi Krakowski

ps….. the professors in most internet marketing classes offered at colleges today have mastered the curriculum they are teaching. They don't typically have a track record of an internet marketer. What is wrong with this picture.  Click here