Got this from my friend Clayton Makepeace today….. I think you’ll be shocked that he is saying GOOD COPY doesn’t matter!

The Death of Great Copywriting?

Dear Business-Builder,

Great sales copy doesn’t matter anymore.

Sure — it was important back in the Stone Age, when you had to pay a half-million dollars or more to mail your magalog to a million prospects.  But now with the free Internet, the strategy you use to build your list is everything.

And if your strategy’s right, your copy doesn’t have to even be good — let alone great.

… Or that’s what some online marketing gurus seem to be saying these days.

And who’s to argue with them?  After all — their online marketing works like gangbusters — right?

Absolutely.  And most have Jeff Walker to thank.  Jeff is a certified marketing genius who has developed a kind of template for introducing new products online called Product Launch Formula.

Product Launch Formula teaches you to create sales campaigns that combine a story line replete with controversy and conflict … tons of freebies … I’ve lost track of how many kinds of proof elements and emotional triggers … blogs to identify and eliminate objections before any product is offered … plus scarcity selling, deadline selling and lots of other whistles and bells to create massive buying desire in prospects.

Brilliant  — right?

Why Product Launch Formula (really) works …

Now, I can’t say I’ve studied Jeff’s Product Launch Formula — but plenty of people on my staff have, and they’ve explained it to me.  And you know what?  Most of what Jeff teaches isn’t new at all.  Most is just plain old marketing common sense.  And frankly, I think Jeff would be the first to agree.

Jeff’s genius has been to meticulously bring tons of time-honored, tried-and-true marketing principles, strategies and tactics together into one comprehensive package that helps you make sure you tickle every hot button in your prospects’ heads and hearts.

You know:  The stuff well-trained copywriters do instinctively.

So when I hear that Product Launch Formula works great even with anemic copy, I’m not surprised. But wouldn’t any sentient marketer also ask …

If this strategy works so great with lousy copy …
How much more money could I make with great copy?

Great sales copy is, by definition, a marketing multiplier.  Because it does a more thorough job of engaging prospects … creating maximum readership … triggering their dominant resident emotions … persuading them … and closing the sale, it amplifies the effectiveness of any marketing strategy.

So would better copy make product launches even more profitable?

Seems like a no-brainer to me!

I’d even go so far as to suggest that anyone who asserts that Product Launch Formula has rendered solid sales copy obsolete is leaving a TON of money on the table.

In fact, I’d hazard a guess that their weak copy is costing them at least three-fourths of the money they should be making.

Because while the biggest launch I heard of last year was pulling in a reported $20 million, I was generating four times more:

A whopping $80 million in online sales.  From two lists that are about one-tenth the size of the affiliate lists most product launch marketer’s use.

Sure:  I used plenty of the principles Jeff recommends without having any idea I was doing so.

I created campaigns that went on for four to eight weeks each.  I incorporated every type of proof available to me.  I hit all the emotional hot buttons I could think of.  I gave away tons of free content  — both in e-mails and in online teleconferences, webinars and videos.  And I also made liberal use of scarcity and deadline-based offers.

But instead of trusting my strategy alone to generate peak response and average sale, I labored over every e-mail, every script and every sales page as if the success of my campaign would be determined by the copy alone.

Put simply …

The success of Jeff’s Product Launch Formula equals
huge new opportunities for Web copywriters!

If I’ve seen it once, I’ve seen it a hundred times:  A new marketing medium or strategy or product bursts upon the scene.  The novelty alone creates huge sales.  But entrepreneurs being what they are, they soon begin wondering, “How could we take this to a higher level?”

Years ago, I met with Bill Guthy of Guthy-Renker infomercial fame.  At the time, they were making so much money with their infomercials, it had never occurred to them to market to the hundreds of thousands of new customers they were generating each year.

I suggested that by failing to market to their customer file, they were leaving as much as 90% of their potential sales on the table.  Today, most infomercial marketers are no longer making that mistake.

Now, I know for a fact that many product launch marketers are asking themselves, “How much more money could I be making with better sales copy?”  Some are even engaging freelance copywriters to ramp up readership and response to their campaigns.

This is a huge new opportunity for freelance copywriters — and an even better one for copywriters who partner with product launch marketers and take a percentage of the increase in sales they produce.

The key, of course, is to get the training necessary to actually ramp up response for your clients — whether they’re using Product Launch Formula or not.

Yours for Bigger Winners, More Often,
Clayton Makepeace Signature
Clayton Makepeace
Publisher & Editor

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