Google Page Rank, Algorithms, Customized Viewings And More You Need To Know About the Altered World View Of Google Searches  

By: Sandi Krakowski


Have you ever done a search online, called a friend because you were so excited about what you found and you hear these words, "Ummm, I don't see that. Where are you finding this? On Google?"

If you're really technical and you REALLY wanted your friend to see what you were seeing, maybe you'll go as far as screen sharing on Skype to SHOW them what you have discovered… and then you might be hit with a thousand pound ball when you realize that while both you and your friend are entering the exact same information into Google's search page, you are NOT receiving the exact same information back from Google. 

Did the thought ever cross your mind, of, "OMG, Google is altering what I see?!" and you begin to wonder if all the Big Brother mind altering articles online are more than just scare tactics to control people?

Well, let me break it to you very gently and very carefully….

Google is altering the things you see online.

When you do a search and your friend does a search, you will both receive very different results. As a matter of fact, if you don't believe me get together with some friends, line your laptops up side by side on a kitchen table and type in the exact same words into the search feature… and 1, 2, 3!!!

Press ENTER at the same time.

There you have it, right in front of your eyes. Your worldview is being altered, decided and chosen by your previous habits and your searches are being customized by Google.  

If THAT wasn't enough to make you wonder how on earth you are ever going to be successful and show up where your ideal client searches…. get this- Google began several months back to change Site Titles and Meta Descriptions for sites when they were missing, irrelevant or redundant.

That means that if you're not strategically and specifically changing your site titles and descriptions like we've been teaching in our WordPress I class and our keyword classes and our copywriting classes, Google would be more than happy to change them for you. But beware…. if your site is irrelevant you might not be too happy about what they decide!

The thing that matters the most to Google is the thing that got a lot of people into trouble last year when they remove over 1 million website searches from their index- RELEVANCE.  

Is your site relevant to the topic and subject matter your clients are searching for?

Is there commenting, interaction and ACTION going on?

Or are you a squack-box wtih no one paying attention?

Google seeks to rank pages that people not only want to find but pages that when they are found people love staying on. That makes Google look good. Google's clients are happy. So what can YOU do to your website to help with this process?

I have ONE big key for you today… that will change your results and assure YOU are where you want to be with Google. It's been proven over and over by our activities on our blog and that of our over 200,000 clients..


If you are doing what we teach in my best selling book, "Read Their Mind- How To Hear What The Marketplace Wants & Build A Huge Business" you will end up SEARCHING and interacting right where your clients are.

YOU will begin to SEE what they see, when they do searches on Google.

You'll begin to WRITE what they are saying… and you will become VERY relevant to the topic you are seeking to sift into and dominate!

It's that simple my friends…

Don't start planning for 365 days of food preparation and storage quite yet… Google is altering how you see the internet, so be sure, YOU are becoming your own best client. Be with your customers, connect with them, be where they are online. Be very focused, strategic and on task…

And you will then SHOW UP where they are as well in the searches!


It works.. tell me YOUR best "Read Their Mind" story below! I want to hear it! 🙂

With love,

Sandi Krakowski
