OMG! Can you believe it?! It's almost here!! In just 7 days we're going to be meeting in Dallas, TX! WOOHOO!!
I have to tell you I have NEVER EVER been so excited about an event we've hosted as I am about this one… and we've had some amazing events, haven't we?
As we went through the final agenda and got the 86 page workbooks printed for ya'll, we thought it would be fun to show you what awaits you…..
Friday night, 7:00-8:00 pm ET We're gathering to meet in person and I'll be bringing a FREE book for each one of you! Let's do pictures, I'd be happy to sign your book and most importantly, I am eager to just see you in person, finally! 🙂
Saturday morning we rise up early and gather at 9:00 am ET. Our virtual attendees will be joining us for the entire event. Broadcasting live through an HD Web Service, we've heard in the past that our virtual attendees really feel like they are there.
I'll be opening up with WHY Business, and why now? Why are we seeing the things we are in business happening and how did we ever get to a place where RELATIONSHIP is more important than marketing value?
This is going to segway into the Mindset Maven MASTER himself, PJ McClure, leading us all through what we associate pain and pleasure to and how to fix the limitations that have been holding us back all these years.
I'll be back with finding your gifts, talents and abilities and how to MONETIZE them in the business world. This is NOT a 'personality finder' type session. It's what makes cash in business with your unique gifting, and well…. what doesn't. You'll love it!
After a short break we're hitting HARD the topic of Prosperity and Poverty! And just be forewarned ya'll….. strap up your boots because this one will be changing lives, creating new plans for many families futures and it will be a very impactful session.
PJ McClure comes back with more on Decision Making so we can FINALLY make a decision to FOLLOW this path that has been laid out for us. LIFE CHANGING!
In the evening, I'll be broadcasting LIVE for anyone and everyone! I'm teaching on how to go 10 TIMES farther than your competitors and why they won't be able to touch you, if you apply this spiritual rule.
Sunday is a WHOLE NEW DAY with Rabbi Daniel Lapin teaching on topics that most churches might kick him out for! OH MY GOSH…. "Does God Want YOU Rich?"
I'll be leading you through the "Read Their Mind 2" process, which shows you how to share your gifts, talents, abilities and all that we teach in my book onto your social media channels and blog networks! THIS ALONE will be worth the entire commitment you've made to this weekend. This part of our weekend will be in several sessions.
Rabbi Lapin comes back with HOW to make MORE money in 2012 with and how to DRAMATICALLY increase your income!
Lastly, the love of my life, the man who has been beside me for 20 years will come to the stage and we both will answer questions and do anything we can to serve you. Alan Krakowski and I will be teaching how to bring it all together into your own business.
MY GOSH…. are you as excited as I am?!
If you are, here's your first homework assignment. You see that HOT picture above of the boots? Take it and apply it to your Facebook Profile NOW! If you are going to be with me in Dallas, TX take that photo and change your Timeline Cover with that. Then post:
"I'm Going To Dallas, TX With Sandi Krakowski To Change My Business And My Life #Divine2012!"
at the top of your page! @Tag my business page so that everyone can be connected really quickly! This is going to be a blast! (You can also go to my Facebook Page and grab it there)
I'm so proud of all of you guys, can't wait to see you!! Just 7 more days! Woot Woot!