How To Get WELL With An Approach Very Few Doctors Know About, Let Alone Can Suggest 

Many of you have written us asking about what I'm doing regarding my spondylitis and Ulcerative Colitis. You see me doing well on social media, resting some days, working hard others and want to know HOW!?

Well, get a pen and paper out. 

This picture above was me just a few days ago. I was on a date with my honey. He's driving intently and I am on social media! How am I able to smile with so many health challenges and pain? I am doing a multi-approach to my health. Simple things like essential oils for anti-inflammatory effects. (See my Facebook page for a list) and I'm doing everything I can to get well. ATTITUDE is 85% of my health protocol. Don't fight me on that. It's true. YOUR BRAIN influences what your body does. 

I'm also working with a neurosurgeon, a pain specialist who believes in multiple approaches to pain remedy (like medication + essential oils + infrared sauna so the least invasive gets the best results.) I'm working with  a rheumatologist & Rochelle Griffin who is a Functional medicine practitioner supporting my body with proper food choices specifically for me. 

Rochelle has been a VIP client with me for over 3 years. While you may recognize Rochelle as a Head Coach here at A Real Change International, Inc. (and a speaker at the upcoming Social Media Experience Live Event in Kansas City!), you may not realize that she is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition(TM) Practitioner and a Registered Nurse with over 20 years experience!

TEST do not guess. 

The average nutritional supplement is very reactive for me so Rochelle tests my blood, hair analysis, spit, poop and urine. This also works beautifully with my gut protocol and I'm doing VERY WELL! I've got a great team here at A Real Change so I can work hard and rest hard. Support is the key to health: spiritual, physical & emotional. 

I'm meeting with a powerful team of godly anointed people as well for total healing including prayer regularly! Happy to report- the devil is losing!

I cannot emphasize to you enough: IF you have a severe condition as I do be cautious when someone tries to pitch you on a product. They mean well yes. Most are such good hearted people. But an autoimmune condition like Ulcerative Colitis and Spondylitis is something that deserves and needs multi-level support. So get the best care around you. 

People tell me that they can't 'afford' it. Well you can't NOT afford it. You'll end up paying through lost work time, lack of sleep, etc. I understand that if you are on a tight tight budget what can you do? I have had MANY of our clients take my trainings to a Functional Medicine doctor and do their social media in exchange for their fees. MOST are super excited because they have no time to do their online things. IF you are more concerned with developing long term relationships and focus on how you can serve others it's amazing the people who show up to serve you! 

Think RELATIONSHIP. Don't hesitate to fire a doctor who is a butthead. As well, don't lump all doctors into that category. Think SUPPORT. Take time, do research, work hard and be a good patient! DO whatever you can to help yourself with your medical team. I hope this helps someone today 

Rochelle Griffin currently works with people across the United States and Canada…although a little birdie told me that she may expand across the pond in the next year…helping people who suffer from one or more of the "Big Five:" Weight gain, fatigue, depression, female hormone imbalance, and belly issues. 

Rochelle understands the Big Five well because she's personally lived it. When she gained 20 lbs. even though she was exercising 6 days/week and eating well, started suffering from insomnia, and constantly felt tired but wired, she knew she had to find answers. She couldn't continue to run a successful 6-figure business feeling like this.

Believe it or not, she found her answers through her 12-year old son. Her son was diagnosed with ADHD and generalized panic disorder at a young age. Rochelle and her husband of 23 years fought medication but when their son started to experience panic attacks, they relented.

Rochelle continued to search for answers and discovered that her son was suffering from intestinal parasites, H-Pylori, Candida (off the charts) and several food sensitivities. EACH of these can produce ADHD symptoms on their own and he had ALL of them!

Using natural protocols, their son completely healed. He's now off of ALL ADHD medications and is flourishing. Rochelle is on her journey of healing from late stage adrenal fatigue, which produced all of her symptoms. 

With clients, she takes a 5-pronged holistic approach, including diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction, and supplements. Every protocol is individually crafted to each person.

If you're suffering from ANY symptoms, please know that it's not normal. Our bodies are made to be symptom free! You don't have to accept those symptoms that our society considers "normal" nowadays.

You can read more or book a consultation at 

Space IS limited so don't wait. This is being sent to our entire client base of over 1 million people. Please remember, if you have critical health issues as I do, work with a physician or specialist and Rochelle. That's what I'm doing. YOU deserve the best.

With love,

Sandi Krakowski