WOW… you responded to that fast!
And guess what…. I'm not marketing anything to you today. Nope, nothing. I do however need your undivided attention. We need to have a heart to heart…. so, put down whatever you are doing, print this out if you have to or get alone in a quiet place.
Today I woke up feeling the "Momma Sandi" thing all over me… regarding your business, time management and just a desire to reach out and mentor some of you today.
Isn't it ironic that when we set out to get a high paying job with fringe benefits and all the bells and whistles, we make sure the phone line is clear, we check our email every single hour and we run to the mailbox waiting for some news that we got "In"?
Yet ironically every month, as I coach thousands of business owners and write our content for more than 200,000 of you I hear things that make my Momma's heart cringe. Things like,
"My internet has a problem again
My Smartphone isn't working
My computer has a backup issue
I forgot to backup WordPress
My email isn't working
….. "
I've had some meetings with my husband in the last several months because you see, he came home from Corporate America and is now working for himself. He doesn't work for me…. heck no. He is a partner in our company and works for himself.
The chats we have had include the responsibility that business owners have for everything that is within their power. Things such as email, computers, smart phones, time, life, energy and the like. He had an issue with his email and is so used to this in Corporate America…. as it's a common problem! But this time… he didn't have to wait for a tech team to fix his problem. He had to get it fixed himself.
Because Alan is very creative and understands Adobe Creative Design and other design programs, he really needs no help at all from me in that department. The newsletters coming out are absolutely amazing! Every single day, yesterday included, we get emails from people saying we have completely OVER DELIVERED when it comes to our Emerald content…. so he's on task there. But tech stuff? That's another story…
I've got him hooked on the iPhone 4S and the new MacBookPro he has… got him a 27" monitor and he has added some other bells and whistles… but when his email went down, he had to depend on yours truly to fix it. So I did…. and with this advice..
"NEVER let email, computer issues, cell phones or internet providers hold you back from doing your job. Always keep it as the highest priority."
He looked at me shocked… and thanked me for fixing it so quickly. I told him what I'll tell you now… "You are out of business with no email. So always fix it fast!"
This is why I have a "bat phone" that no matter what, I can use a phone. It's a prepaid phone should my landline and cell go out. I always have a MiFi card, so that if my internet ever goes out, I have internet with me. I always have connectivity anywhere I am at- in an airport, in a car, in a doctor's office! NEVER without internet. NEVER a victim to circumstance. Occasionally, in 14 years… I had to wait a few hours when a massive tornado wiped out a lot of things in the area, but that's so rare I can count it on one hand. I have a word for all of you today.
If you are serious about business than don't tell me you can't afford the internet provider you NEED, you don't have money for a Smartphone or a new computer. If you worked at McDonald's you have to pay for gas money, those ugly black pants and you'd be payed a whopping minimum wage. They would not PAY YOU if you didn't pay for gas to get there. They would not PAY YOU if you didn't wear those ugly black pants and they wouldn't pay you if you didn't show up!
Your business needs you to be on top of your game.
You have the potential to earn more in one month than most people do in a year! EVEN…. if you only earn an additional $ 1500 per month for crying out loud, you can recoup your investment in just a few months!
I'm not telling you to go massively in debt, but I am saying, quit spending money on Starbucks and movies and crap that doesn't increase your value in the marketplace.
Quit making yourself a victim of an outdated computer, an old cell phone or an internet provider that sucks! YOU are a Champion and it's not magic that you'll succeed one day… it's the end result of doing what it takes to set yourself up for success.
I believe in your future, your business and your calling from God to impact the world.
This concludes our Momma Sandi time….. heehee I hope you know it's said with much love. I was more than $ 463,000 in debt when I came back into business 7 years ago… and recovered from massive illness. I had no support, no one who believed in me other than myself and one mentor. Don't send me your excuses of why things are harder for you than they were for me. It's simply not true.
What if it does work this time?
That's what you have to ask yourself…. now… go set yourself up for success!
With love,
Sandi Krakowski