


It was an honor to receive a personal message from Steven Green, President of Hobby Lobby in response to my article that went live yesterday in my weekly column on  Entrepreneur Magazine. This is what he had to say:

“The drive to be the best we can be, to grow the company, to serve our customers, to treat our employees well comes from the faith we have in God. To force us to go against the principals God teaches us to operate our business by would be devastating.” Steve Green, President of Hobby Lobby.

If you missed that article there were several media and news stations who reached out to me through Twitter and quite a stir got created by some of the statements I made. I think this was one of the most profound pot stirrers:

“If you remove the soul from a corporation, it would be robotic and it seems to me that this is what the government desires: corporations that don’t care, think or have any will or emotion. Ironically this seems to be their typical agenda for society as a whole.” 

If you are small business owner, home based business owner or someone who owns a corporation as I do, there is a big issue going on here. Your religious freedom is not the only thing the government is threatened by. They are completely threatened by your ability to DREAM and carry out that God given dream! This is the heart of an entrepreneur. Every corporation is started with a dream, conviction and passion. 

Read the article here: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/232820

With love,

Sandi Krakowski


Sandi Krakowski