How To Find, Fight And Face The Resistance

 An article resulting from the book, "The War Of Art" by Steven Pressfield 

By: Sandi Krakowski

The Resistance wants to destroy you, your business and your life.

It's not your friend, it's not even a reminder, it's your enemy.

Steven Pressfield's book ruined me this past summer because it drew out a "Warrior" that had been asleep. 

I've fought the Resistance many times in my life. 

The religious have rebuked me, leaders have attempted to sabotage me, my own heart was against me, my family sought to hold me back and my own mind found a comfortable quiet place to hide in pain.

As I began my bodybuilding career in the 1980's I first met the Resistance on the track as I ran continuous laps seeking to get my bodyfat down. 

It followed me up the stairs at a local college as I ran the bleachers over and over again. It taunted me as I vomited from such grueling workouts, ranting and raving it's slime, "Just give up, no one cares anyways! What the hell are you doing this for."

Going for my first trophey it manifested itself in the heart of relatives who said with envy, "You're getting so skinny are you sure this is healthy? My gosh should women have muscles like that anyways?"

It followed me on stage as I sang in bars, talent shows and eventually in church. It's words of dismay, "You can't sing, people are laughing inside, will you just sit down already!" rang loudly as I pressed through and sang my heart out.

It mocked my passion, tried to kill my drive and threatened to destroy me with diseases that even the doctors had no idea where they were coming from.

The Resistance rebuked, corrected and attempted to silence me in the church through the religious. It said to sit down, women don't do those sort of things, you're too bold, too wild and far too abrupt. 

I'll never forget being called in to chat with the leaders,"You know it's great that you're enthusiastic but women can't preach and your role is to help other women and children." I felt sickened to the core. God Himself had put this inside of me and He didn't make a mistake when He added breasts to my body.  

The Resistance comes from within, both you and other human beings. It's not some cosmic force or even demons from hell, as many would imply, but rather, it's that enemy of a Champion that fears it's own light and power. 

It's the destiny within that is met face to face with the fear in others. It's the thing that requires forgiveness, patience, grace and love. It's the thing that will cut the deepest and sling it's venom into parts of your heart that no one else knows are there.

It's the thing that makes a mentor sabotage a mentee, a songwriter sabotage a fellow singer, it's the thing that makes a coach seek to disbar an athlete simply because of fear and jealousy. 

Resistance will accuse you falsely, judge you harshly and when you finally do well, will say things like, "Well you know it was impossible for you to do this without the help of so and so, so be sure to tell everyone because apart from so and so you are nothing. "

The Resistance is not your friend …. it's the very enemy you must slay or you will die.

Oh, you can live, sure, with very much support from the world around you. But live the unlived life that God Himself placed inside of you and you, my dear friend, will still have to fight the Resistance every single day.

It will seek to stop the success of your business with fear, worry and despair. 

It will seek to hold you back when you're called to speak, make you small when you're called to be big and it will even attempt to make you into someone else's identity just so you never reach your own.

Have you fought the Resistance?

Is there something inside of you that you are fed up with holding back?

Do you know you were designed for more, gifted for many and called to impact the earth?

The Resistance is after you!

Tonight, at 8:00 pm ET I'll talk more about the Resistance. I'll give you a few keys for finding it, fighting it and learning to face it every single day.

You see, the Resistance won't go away, it won't settle and it never sleeps. It is there for a reason and that reason confirms what you are called to.

I look forward to hearing you on the call tonight. 

Let's face the Resistance together! and if you dare, 2011 could turn into a year of shock beyond proportions you have ever let your self dare to dream before.

Fighting Resistance, tonight at 8:00 pm ET:

 Please attend with me…. 

Title: Monday Night Call
Time: Monday, December 6th at 8:00pm Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast

Phone number: (312) 348-6021
PIN Code: 665627# 

To attend, visit:


If you've fought Resistance and you know you are called to more- Join me on my Facebook Group and share your thoughts on this topic- Sandi's Facebook P age

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Sandi Krakowski    is a "Back To Basics Step By Step Business" expert who currently serves more than 69,000 clients in over 106 countries. Her systems help the average business owner as well as big corporations get extra-ordinary results quickly. She has a track record for her 'bringing it into action' processes that company owners find easy to implement with quick results. She has been working online successfully for the last 14 years.

Note:  This article was inspired by the book, "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield. If you have not read this book, please do so now! Click here-