FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 26, 2010 –Is it possible that the recession can actually mean INCREASED profits for your business?

"Absolutely!" said A Real Change Int’l Publisher and CEO Sandi Krakowski in a groundbreaking speech to a group of elite business, marketing, and self-improvement thought leaders. At the invitation-only Marketing event she revealed her "Social Media & Internet" approach to boosting profits in any marketing campaign.

Krakowski explained that using the internet as a marketing channel any small or large business could effectively extend it’s reach and connect with more potential customers.

“People are online more hours than ever,” Krakowski explained, “understanding how to market to buyers on Smartphones, iPads and browsing the web is key. The Internet and social media offer an effective tool for reaching them, building rapport and gaining loyal customer purchases. “

“No matter what type of business you have, the Internet can be an effective marketing channel that can increase sales and profits, “ Krakowski shared at the private event. “Are you advertising to people you hope read that offline ad or go to your website by chance? Create a targeted social media and internet marketing campaign to find your ideal client more quickly!”

Krakowski has worked successfully online for the last 14 years running several multi-million dollar companies. Industries include ecommerce with several kitchenware and vitamin stores; copywriting and marketing firm catering to online companies with regular marketing campaigns and recently a training company that teaches her expertise in a college-level classroom through WebEx and tele-seminars.

“A step by step process is the most effective process,” Krakowski explained, “The company website should connect with the social media presence. PPC advertising, banner ads, email marketing strategies, promotions and sales should all cater to the customers current needs. By doing all of these through an online effort expenses go down and sales increase rapidly. The linking of offline marketing such as traditional newspaper, magazine, radio and television ads to online marketing portals such as a website, blog or landing page can create quicker results. Tracking has never been so easy.”

Krakowski tripled A Real Change Int’l’s profits in the last 10 months on the job with three key factors in her internet marketing method: social media, direct response fundamentals and multi-channel marketing.

She will present her marketing expertise and during a hands on learning event in Indianapolis, Indiana Sept 17 and 18th, 2010 at the Crowne Plaza Airport, located at: 2501 South High School Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46241.

For more details on this limited edition event visit:

Or the contact for media interviews:

Amity Hook-Sopko, Marketing Manager

A Real Change, Int’l LLC

(260) 494-1001