You Can Kiss Your SEO Specialist Goodbye!

This past Monday I did a video for my Inner Circle group on how to use some of the fun plugins that WordPress offers. It’s amazing how these simple ‘attachments’ to WordPress can run like little programs and robots for you behind the scenes.

SEO plugins are some of the most vital tools you’ll ever use!

Having come from several years of intensive training in online and web copywriting I have a pretty good understanding of what an SEO Copywriter should and shouldn’t be able to do.

If someone specializes in writing sales copy for the online market they are most often referred to as a Web or Internet Copywriter. They write online sales pages, email campaigns, PPC ads. But when someone tells me that doing optimization and SEO work is separate and an additional charge I don't get it. I really don't.  

Writing SEO Copy and Web Copy in my book should be one and the same. How would anyone write effective web based copy that isn't SEO rich? 

Well they could be but honestly I think you’ll be more valuable to your audience if you do both at the same time. Consider this…. if you write copy to use within WordPress, input the copy into WordPress for your client, use the Scribe tool to check Optimization, Input Keywords and Tags for your client and then give them the best Title, Meta Description and Keywords they could ever possible have in the Thesis section designated for this you have done an enormous service. You do want to give an enormous service, right?

But you might not earn as much money initially doing it that way.

You might have clients who figure out how to do this on their own and you might be out of some of those big whopping SEO fees you’ve gotten used to.

But what is business about anyways? Serving. And the secret behind all 7-9 figure companies is the one who serves the best makes the most, long term.

Is creating a WordPress site something that people hope to do so that they can then hire several people to run it for them, without ever understanding anything that is going on?

NO, that was not the intention of WordPress and is not the desire of most users.

But quite frankly, the process I just listed above could put some SEO Copywriters and Specialists out of business if they don’t change the way they operate.

Follow this very carefully. If you are an SEO Copywriter, you should be doing what everyone else is doing and adding your ‘secret sauce’ of talent on top of that.

Here we go-

Write blog post, sales page, content page or whatever else it is you're doing in WordPress.

Then run this through Scribe where it will give you an Optimized score. It will also suggest which keywords and tags you should be using. It also gives you a great headstart on writing some killer PPC ads!

Then take some of the suggestions, edit and refine. Put links where it recommends you do that. Use the keywords to even redo your Title.

This my friends is SEO done beautifully and simply within WordPress in the year 2010!

So, what is a SEO Copywriter to do? How can you offer a unique service that is still high in demand, creating the best results possible for your client?

Do exactly what I just mentioned above. I bet that didn’t even come as an option, did it?

Just like Web Designers and Graphics Designers those who specialize in Optimization and SEO Copywriting have grown very accustomed to the high fees they can charge for this service. Now before you get upset with me if you are such a businessperson, please keep reading.

Enter the world of WordPress and the introduction of running your own website, by yourself. The Tech Neophyte can even run a blog profitably! 

This is a brave new world, if you will, where everyday average people are making insane amounts of money running companies online! Not fraudulent businesses, not scams or schemes but real live viable businesses that combine both good fortune and good will.

So what is an SEO Copywriter to do?

Serve and serve better than anyone else. Not everyone wants to do what I’ve just outlined for you. Many business owners do not have time to even post their articles! Bring your excellent skills into WordPress and work along with the Plugins and tools and you’ll be the ‘cats meow!’ in your clients mind. Isn’t this what long-term business is anyways? Serving and making happy customers?  Yes, it sure is. 

How can an SEO Copywriter make a continuous flow of income as we merge into a Wordpres dominated online culture? (We’re actually already there in case you didn’t know)  Serve fully.

How can a blog writer use SEO plugins and tools inside of WordPress to create the best organic traffic, target specific visitors and more ROI for all of their efforts?  Serve fully.

Here’s to using WordPress to empower all business owners, connecting and working together for ridiculous profits!

With love,

Sandi Krakowski