Jab Jab Jab Right Hook

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How To Tell Your Story In A Noisy Social World Book Review 

Before we get started let me set the record straight.

I hate JV deals. I hate the typical pimp marketers endorsements.

I can't stand the online prostitution ring where everyone has a 'favorite' they are endorsing this month and before you know it, everyone is everyone's favorite and you can't tell WHO the heck is really friends.

This book review is for my friend Gary Vaynerchuk for one reason only. He is not paying me. He is not endorsing me. He is not giving me anything for free. I paid for 100 copies of his book myself to give my staff and my top clients. So with all that said…. I'm doing this because I think you should get the book!

GO GET THIS BOOK NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my gosh.

The preview copy arrives and I think to myself, "I'll read this tomorrow. Then I can properly give it a review."  But I think Gary put some kind of special 'you must read me' dust on the book jacket because there it is sitting on my countertop and my sons walk in the room…

Bobby says, "Oh hey! That's Gary's book right? Did you read it?"

Justin pipes in, "Hey! Gary's book? Read it yet?"

I had to read it. My sons were asking. I couldn't wait till tomorrow! The pressure was on!

My boys love Gary and have enormous respect for him. They follow him on Twitter and watch what he does. (Gary they send their love!)

So I sat down in my bed thinking I'd just read a few pages, fall asleep like I typically do with books…. heeheeheehee… then read the rest tomorrow… note to self, only read a book you're really interested in with a cup of Kona Coffee at 4 am in the morning when at your best self, Sandi. But I thought I'd give it a whirl.

OMG. I swear, Gary put some magic dust on this or something because INSTANTLY I felt like I was injected with caffeine and I could not put it down.

Now wait a minute… I wasn't feeling that way because it was Gary Vee.

Sure, it was Gary, but listen, that's not why I was feeling that way. I was super stoked because in front of me was more than just a book. More than just another social media drama novel about how so and so grew their platform, changed their lives and now live on a beach villa sipping Mai Tais.

IN FRONT OF ME was a college-like manual teaching me step by step, screen shot by screen shot…. how to do the best for my brand, my clients and the world on social media.

As someone who has built a platform on Facebook in the last 7 months that grew by over 223,000 people and more than 323,000 in 17 months- I wanted to see if there were things I didnt know. I wanted the "Gary Seal Of Approval" that what I was teaching was good. Everyone needs that. Don't get so big for your britches that you think you don't need someone to still teach you.

I also recently began to grow, in the last year, my InstaGram platform and my Pinterest. My Twitter was growing by leaps and bounds as well! (10,000 people per week!)  So my 'checklist' was out. Seeing how I did. What was new. What could I learn.

HONEST CONFESSION:  I got 2 hours of sleep that night. It was pathetic!

No not the book silly, the fact that I couldn't put the thing down and I couldn't sleep! Pathetic as in INCREDIBLE!

If your brand needs a step by step consulting session with one of the world's TOP SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION experts, you need this book.

If you want a litmus test for what is the TRUTH on social media and what is a farce, GET THE BOOK! 

If you want to bypass all the hoopla and Bullshanonsense on the internet about social media, YOU NEED THIS BOOK.

If you want to really learn to love your customers, be all that you can be, go beyond what most brands would ever do and build an insane platform to change the world through…. GET THIS BOOK!

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DATE:  December 23, 2013  SPECIAL HOLIDAY PARTY!!!!

TIME: 3:30 pm ET

COST:  FREE!! On Spreecast!

Be my guest and join Gary and Me, on December 23 at 3:30 pm ET for a little Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook HOLIDAY Party we are doing on Spreecast!  We'd love to have you! I'm giving away FREE BOOKS! Gary will be answering questions and it's absolutely free! 

Join us for the CELEBRATION!! RSVP NOW- >> http://www.spreecast.com/events/jjjrh-holiday-party-with-gary-sandi

With love,

Sandi Krakowski 

Sandi Krakowski