I feel STRONGLY LED to tell you this: Don't despise the prophetic words people have spoken over you.
It doesn't matter if you can't see it, don't have all the answers, can't seem to figure all the pieces together and have no clue how to make this happen. A prophetic word is not something YOU have to make happen. It's something you believe, step into and have to keep speaking over yourself.
Never in a MILLION YEARS did I ever imagine my life would be where it is now, nor did I see how God could change hearts of people around me to not only support me but become my biggest encouragers. I felt alone many times and fought my way through some thick mire for many many years. But I kept speaking over my life the prophetic words that people gave me & I REFUSED, flat out REFUSED to bye into the lie that they weren't going to come to pass. The heavy weight upon me at times felt like I had to do the working and then I was constantly reminded, that the WEIGHT was actually God's divine presence upon me seeking to bring me forward to where I was supposed to go.

Please DO NOT despise the words God has given you.

I don't care if you're a hip hop artist who is supposed to dance your way through Hollywood filled with the love of heaven and no one in the church even understands you let alone GETS you! I don't care if God has called you to open a coffee house filled with love on the streets of Vegas right next to a strip club, if He gave you that vision and that passion… then believe Him! You may need some support around you if the task is great… so believe, wait and pray until that support shows up!! I WAITED MORE THAN 27 YEARS for some of what God has put into my spirit. Can you imagine?!

My friends… YOU were created to change the world. I will lead a group of 100,000 people one day in a stadium as we all focus on this task. I believe I WILL change the world and I'm not giving up no matter what! I don't CARE what people have to say who disagree, think a woman can't do this or any other odd and strange things they come up with. I am about my business and God has given me a mandate to fulfill. YOU TOO have a job to do!

My advice to you today… DO IT.

I love you,