it's a brand new day
Changing the way we think is a step by step process.
Lasting change does not happen overnight. 

This kind of healing is a journey. As with all
road trips, you won't ever arrive at your destination if you
don't get in the car and start the engine. What I mean is
that while you may not stop the negative thoughts by flipping
a switch, starting that change is as simple as making
a single choice every day to keep your mind focused on
believing everything God says about you.

Stop putting it off. It's time to begin! To change your
life, you have to change your mind. To change your mind,
you have to decide you are ready to BE MORE.

Stop thinking so much. Let it go. His strength is
made perfect in your weakness, so stop trying to be
everything to everyone.

Here's a LOVE WINS affirmation for today:
"Today I'm going to start believing EVERYTHING God says about me! 
I speak life over myself! I am no longer my own worst critic but I now know
how to praise myself and encourage myself. I was created in the image of a 
Holy, Kind, Loving GOD! All of heaven celebrates me today. The angels are
with me and are helping me every step of the way! Today is going to be a
fantastic day. I am strong, well able and will see MIRACLES today! I am ready
to Be MORE and walk in my power, unashamed and with honor!"

With love, 
Sandi Krakowski