Loving Our Customers With Author Sandi Krakowski


Loving Our Customers In A Social Media World

To bring good will and good fortune together in business makes sense. It’s how the old merchants ran their businesses and it’s how community was built in small town settings. So what can a small or large company do to show they ‘love’ their customers in today’s social media driven culture?

Here are three tips that will show you care, increase engagement and make your brand strong – 

Take Time To Listen-

When we’re running a growing online business it’s very easy to get stuck in the rush of activities, appointments and other things we have to manage. If we’re not careful, we could be doing a phone call, answering an email or even talking on social media with only half an ear open.  Just like our relationships outside of our business, people can tell when you really care or when you’re just blowing them off. If you take time to listen, your customers will not only tell you how to serve them, you’ll discover they are really amazing people to have the honor to serve! Sure, every now and then you’ll run into someone who is a bit too coo coo for Cocoa Puffs, but these rare cases will stick out so much that you’ll end up laughing at how odd it looks. Listen, it makes running a business easier!

Be Available-

I spent many years in direct response marketing and copywriting. Today, one of my top roles here at A Real Change International, Inc is that of head marketer and copywriter. So I understand ROI, conversion and all the other ratios one must take into consideration when building a profitable business. There is NOTHING that will outpace the results you’ll see by simply being availableSocial media makes this very easy and rewarding!

Please don’t take this to an extreme however. Being available 24/7 like an ATM machine that anyone can push the buttons and get whatever they want, when they want it, is not the way to run a profitable business. Nor is it a demonstration of loving our customers. We’ll take care of ourselves as business owners if we truly love those we serve, so we can serve them for a long time!

 Loving Our Customers With Sandi Krakowski, Author And Facebook Expert

Live Where They Are-

This is the beauty of social media at it's finest.  Please be different than everyone else marketing their stuff online. The reason you want to use social media goes far beyond the fact that it is one of most robust and profitable channels online today!

Here's the millionaire marketing tip. Grab a pen. Write it down! 

If you are where the people are, everyday, serving them, it’s a whole lot easier to build your business AND you’ll have a lot more fun. You'll go farther than those who are scratching their head trying to come up with a crafty marketing campaign to pull themselves out of the red. LIVE where your clients are. Get to know them more than you do your product.

People want to be loved! They want to be served. 

The merchants of old in small town economies knew these three tips and it impacted everything they did. Bring this into your online marketing campaign and I guarantee, you’ll be UNSTOPPABLE!

With love,

Sandi Krakowski

 sandi krakowski